Thursday, January 31, 2002
I just had 6 1/2 inches of hair cut off.
posted by Beth at 7:43:00 PM
What a load of crap.
See what Care Bear you are.
posted by Beth at 2:46:00 AM
Oh yes, and when the chicken hatched, you decided to name it Norbert. {g}
posted by Beth at 1:48:00 AM
Hey Tavie, last night I had a dream about you. Don'tbeoffended! {g}
So here's what happened.
I had this little red hen that supposedly used to belong to Aimee Mann. I showed it to Tavie, and she looked around the chicken's pen with the hope of finding an egg. She proclaimed that it was always her dream to own a baby chick from the hen of Aimee Mann. We eventually found an egg, but we didn't know if it was any good or not. We went to a restaurant and brought it with us. Two other people came, too, but I don't remember who they were (maybe sarah and erin? I have no idea). There was a candle on the table that Tavie placed near the egg, which acted as a sort of incubator that accelerated the baby chick's growth. I know this, because I was looking at a piece of paper that sort of showed an x-ray of the chick developing and growing. It hatched on the table. The next thing I know, I was alone with the fluffy yellow, chick, and Tavie was wherever she tends to be. And I was trying to formulate some kind of plan of how to sneak the chick onto public transportation, so I could bring it to her. The end.
posted by Beth at 1:40:00 AM
Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Ewww, I just watched That 80's Show. I had never planned on watching it, but for my Theory and Research class, we have to pick a brand new show or movie and follow it each week, throughout the semester, and pay attention to its ratings and reviews. This was the only thing I could think of for my project. Needless to say, it's totally shitty. Gah. Talk about having a gimmick. It's just a bunch of stupid references tied together by a pathetic excuse for a plotline. It should be called, "That Girl Has a Mohawk!" or something. :p I hope it tanks in a couple weeks. I want my project to be about a colassel failure. {g}
I'm currently watching an E! True Hollywood Story about Larry Flynt. Al Goldstein reminds me of my one TV History and Appreciation professor, except really creepy. I guess they both sound the same or something.
posted by Beth at 9:20:00 PM
I'm probably going to send out valentines, like I did for the past two years. Maybe you will get one... but maybe not, seeing as I probably don't have your address.
If you actually want a little piece of paper with a picture on the front and your name and mine on the back, you can just let me know about that. Not that I expect anyone will, which is fine, too. And if I already have your address, you might be getting one, whether or not you want it. {g}
posted by Beth at 7:23:00 PM
I just got this email. I nearly deleted it, thinking it was junk.
Subj: Good
Date: 1/30/02 7:18:45 PM Eastern Standard Time
Go to and download Direct Connect(File sharing program).
Install Direct Connect.
Go to Settings.
Click Connection tab.
Check Auto Connect at Startup.
Paste this as address " ".
Share files!!!!!
Maybe it is junk. I wonder if I should go through with it and get that.
posted by Beth at 7:21:00 PM
I'm thinking of making my own quiz, but I don't know.
posted by Beth at 2:24:00 AM
I am Zack Morris, and sarah's test is the SATs.
Sort of. {g}
posted by Beth at 2:22:00 AM
Okay, so this shall be my Valentine's Day layout. You probably hate Valentine's Day, don't you? I like it. But I like all holidays very much. I should be an elementary school teacher or I should own a Hallmark.
I'm already thinking about making this a bunch of shades of green for St. Patrick's Day. I'm so sad. {g}
posted by Beth at 2:02:00 AM
One of my search referrals was, "markie post bra size." Who would care? {g}
Of course I'm saying that she's so wonderful that it doesn't matter what her bra size is. Yup. {g}
posted by Beth at 1:08:00 AM
Monday, January 28, 2002
I'm using a really nice, really new blue iMac.
I'm also hungry. I got out of my TV I class 45 minutes early, and my next class is at 2.
posted by Beth at 1:15:00 PM
In minutes, I'll be leaving for my second day of school. I haven't had any of these classes yet. I'm scared. I'm alwaya afraid everything will be too hard for me or something. I've been that way since I started kindergarten. Bah. I wanna stay home.
posted by Beth at 10:19:00 AM
Friday, January 25, 2002
Now playing: Belle and Sebastian-The Boy With the Arab Strap
I got this from Columbia House today. It's the only Belle and Sebastian CD I own. I really, really like it. It sounds summer-y and it makes me want to drink lemonade or something. {g}
This morning, I got the idea in my head that I really want to paint a picture of something... of a scene that I just sort of imagined up. Well, not necessarily "paint" it. But I have no art supplies, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to do what I want to with them. And I'm horrible with photoshop, so bleh. But it's driving me crazy just the same.
Right now, I have enough motivation to really want to do a number of things, yet I don't have enough motivation to actually *do* those things. Does that make sense? Sometimes, I don't even have enough motivation to want to do anything, but this is more frustrating.
posted by Beth at 4:05:00 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2002
This morning, I listened to Apple Venus I before going to sleep. The sound of everybody coming home for lunch woke me up, and I heard "Green Man" playing. It was weird. For a second I thought I left the CD on repeat, but then I realized that it was on the radio. I've never heard that song on the radio, so it was pretty neat that I woke up at that moment.
posted by Beth at 6:43:00 PM
Wow, there's a really cool picture of Jupiter's moon Io on my AOL welcome screen. Io is the most volcanic thing in our solar system.
Okay, I'm going to reply to sarah's replies to me. I guess I'll underline my crap and italicize hers, since I don't think it'll make sense without my stuff there. So in regards to what I thought about buying...
swords. There's this weird show that comes on some channel, where this guy sells all kinds of fancy swords. It's crazy.
is that the guy with the beard who shouts, and he also sells beanie babies? {g}
Yeah, that's the guy! It's really bizarre to see that big, burly guy with a beard shout at you telling you you won't have another chance to by such a large collection of Beanie Babies. {g}
some learn to play guitar thing, as advertised by Peter Frampton.
LOL, one time erin and i sat through that infomercial and laughed at it the whole way through. i don't remember what about it was so funny, but it was. {g}
Oh, I'll bet my life that you were laughing at the part with the guy playing "La Bamba" on his guitar while these two girls were dancing like crazy, and there were flashing lights and stuff in his house. {g} I tend to think that the advertisement lost all of its credibility at that point. {g} yetistillwantit {g}
I really miss this infomercial for a karaoke machine. I loved it, because it was thinly disguised as a TV show. This married couple was organzing a party for one of their parents, and they had some bet on whether someone's dad would sing a song. {g}
posted by Beth at 3:07:00 AM
So I started school yesterday. Here's my schedule, because I enjoy typing lists:
11:00-1:45 Television Production I (required)
2:00-4:45 Special Topics: Theory and Research (requiered)
6:30-9:00 Television History and Appreciation
3:30-6:15 Radio Production II
6:30-9:00 Introduction to Psychology: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (required for my minor)
I've never had a schedule where all my classes were once a week; that should be weird. But this was all I could get into, and I get a five day weekend, so that should be great. I went to buy my books tonight. I can reuse my old psychology book (even though it's second edition, and there's now a third edition), so I saved about $90, and there's no book for Radio II. The other things cost $72, which is the least I've ever paid for a semester worth of books.
My Radio II class sounds interesting, yet hard as hell. We're going to make some huge documentary about rave drugs that's going to be mailed to radio stations throughout the state. And my psychology class sounds cool; I really like the professor. She swears like a truck driver, and for some reason I appreciate that. {g} She also signed in four people without even causing a fuss. So many times, I've had teachers refuse to do that. I won't know how my other classes are until Monday.
My school is idiotic. Nearly two weeks ago, I went and talked to the financial aid people about whether I'd have enough scholarship money to come back in the fall to complete a minor. They told me what scholarships I have that are running out. They also told me that I could apply for some at the dean of students office, and that I had good chances of getting something. I went there early on Tuesday to get the applications and found out that I'm not eligible. The reason is that I'm coming back only for the fall, rather than for a whole year. What the hell? This way I need less money. Grrr. I have to go to the library and look through some book for scholarships to apply for. Bah.
posted by Beth at 2:48:00 AM
As it should be.
Take the Which They Might Be Giants member are you? Quiz!
posted by Beth at 12:32:00 AM
Which They Might Be Giants album are you?
posted by Beth at 12:25:00 AM
Monday, January 21, 2002
This is great!
Yeah, so I stole the link from sarah. {g}
posted by Beth at 8:02:00 AM
Oh my, if you hadn't posted this article a full two and a half hours before I posted my next to last post, I'd've sworn you put it there for me. {g} What with my recent rambling about the Brady Bunch and Growing Up Brady... well, that's kinda neat, since I wrote what I did in my blog, then, right after that, I found that article in yours. :) That articles knocked my socks off. {g} I was outraged about the lack of Mike Brady, too. Putting Alice is his box is kind of goofy. I guess they had to do something about it, though. I had really thought it had to do with him having HIV...
...yes, that's enough rambling about the Brady Bunch from me. But I maintain that Mike Brady is awesome. {g}
posted by Beth at 7:38:00 AM
Happy Martin Luther King Day. If you are Colleen or if you work at a store, then you probably don't get today off. However, my school's bookstore is closed, and I was hoping to go there to get my books today. School starts tomorrow, and it's hell to buy books in the first week. They were closed on Saturday for no good reason, too. Bah, idiots.
posted by Beth at 7:08:00 AM
Now playing: various clarinet things
"I've never had an innermost thought in my whole life." ~ Cindy Brady
Oh, I do love the Brady Bunch. Cindy Brady was so cute in the early episodes, and so very less cute in the last season. Susan Olsen hated that character. I know this because I read Growing Up Brady by Barry Williams. {g} I just watched the episode with Marcia's diary and Desi Arnez Jr.
Man, watching TV in the middle of the night makes me want to buy things that I would not normally buy. Damn influential infomercials and home shopping channels.
Things I thought about buying:
- that Ron Popeil rotisserie box
- swords. There's this weird show that comes on some channel, where this guy sells all kinds of fancy swords. It's crazy.
- various jewels and gemstones (on their own, not even set as actual jewelry)
- some learn to play guitar thing, as advertised by Peter Frampton. I really wanted that, but I don't pick up my clarinet (for which I pay for lessons) as often as I need to, much less my accordion, and I never touch the piano.
- Don Lapre's package
- different exercise machines
- some disco compilation CDs
- those Pulse CDs, which were basically the soundtrack (not necessarily by choice) to my life during grades 6 through 8. I don't know why I'm interested in owning them, since those years weren't particularly happy. {g}
I was just watching that Shakira video "Whenever, Wherever" on CardioVideo on VH1. I saw it not long ago on Spanish MTV. It was considerably better in another language. The part where she crawls through the mud makes me feel yucky. {g}
I ate at IHOP on both Saturday and Sunday. Good for me. {g} I went with my uncle, after I bought a new coat on Saturday morning. And tonight/yesterday, I went with Craig and Mark after bowling. IHOP makes a damn fine chicken sandwich, and they have great onion rings. I celebrate IHOP's existance. {g} Especially now that the Denny's in Turnersville has mysteriously closed. I miss it.
Why the hell is Kids Say the Darndest Things on Nick at Nite? I don't entirely understand its appeal. I guess it's cool, if you think this is funny:
The Cos: Snow is...?
some kid: cold!
The Cos:What happens at your house at dinner?
some kid: My dad burps a lot!
The Cos: What did your parents tell you not to say tonight?
some kid: That my mom's 50.
Yeah, wonderful. Obviously, I'm sitting here typing up every single stupid thing that pops into my head. {g}
posted by Beth at 7:00:00 AM
According to this article, the second Harry Potter movie is set to open on November 15 (my bithday)! {squeak} That article also shows a picture of Gilderoy Lockhart. He is nice-looking. {g}
posted by Beth at 3:27:00 AM
I'm going to post some song lyrics. I hope Biz Markie's words inspire you to do great things.
Just a Friend
Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date
But a year to make love she wanted you to wait
Let me tell ya a story of my situation
I was talkin' to this girl from the U.S. nation
The way that I met her was on tour at a concert
She had long hair and a short miniskirt
I just got onstage drippin', pourin' with sweat
I was walkin' through the crowd and gues who I met
I whispered in her ear, "Come to the picture booth
So I can ask you some questions to see if you are a hundred proof"
I asked her her name, she said blah-blah-blah
She had 9/10 pants and a very big bra
I took a couple of flicks and she was enthused
I said, "How do you like the show?"
she said, "I was very amused"
I started throwin' bass, she started throwin' back mid-range
But when I sprung the question, she acted kind of strange
Then when I asked, "Do ya have a man," she tried to pretend
She said, "No I don't, I only have a friend"
Come on, I'm not even goin' for it
This is what I'm goin' sing
You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
And you say he's just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
But you say he's just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
But you say he's just a friend
So I took blah-blah's word for it at this time
I thought just havin' a friend couldn't be no crime
'Cause I have friends and that's a fact
Like Agnes, Agatha, Germaine, and Jacq
Forget about that, let's go into the story
About a girl named blah-blah-blah that adored me
So we started talkin', getttin' familiar
Spendin' a lot of time so we can build up
A relationship or some undderstanding
How it's gonna be in the future we was plannin'
Everything sounded so dandy and sweet
I had no idea I was in for a treat
After this was established, everything was cool
The tour was over and she went back to school
I called every day to see how she was doin'
Everytime that I ccalled her it seemed somethin' was brewin'
I called her on my dime, picked up, and then I called again
I said, "Yo, who was that?" "Oh, he's just a friend"
Don't gimme that, don't ever gimme that
Jus' bust this
You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
And you say he's just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
But you say he's just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
But you say he's just a friend
So I came to her college on a surprise visit
To see my girl that was so exquisite
It was a school day, I knew she was there
The first semester of the school year
I went to a gate to ask where was her dorm
This guy made me fill out a visitor's form
He told me where it was and I as on my way
To see my baby doll, I was happy to say
I arrrived in front of the dormitory
Yo, could you tell me where is door three?
They showed me where it was for the moment
I didn't know I was in for such an event
So I came to her room and opened the door
Oh, snap! Guess what I saw?
A fella tongue-kissin' my girl in the mouth,
I was so in shock my heart went down south
So please listen to the message that I say
Don't ever talk to a girl who says she just has a friend
posted by Beth at 1:04:00 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2002
I don't think I've ever told anyone how much I like the name Cedric. I'd consider naming my son Cedric. I've liked that name ever since I first heard it, which was on that show The Raccoons. I used to watch that everyday on the Disney Channel, when I got home from elementary school.
And I feel like the only person in the world who likes the name Wilma.
And just for the record (and by "record," I mean all you Friends-watching people {g}), I think Darwin is a better name than Rain. Or Phoebo. Ha ha!
posted by Beth at 8:16:00 AM
Two hours ago, I finished reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. That book really leaves you used and abused. {g} I'm not saying it isn't great, though.
posted by Beth at 8:06:00 AM
Grrr. Some people are so idiotic that I feel like jumping out the window after reading their blogs. Of course I'm too chicken to post the name of the specific person I'm talking about. I'd tell anyone who asked, though. {g}
posted by Beth at 8:03:00 AM
Friday, January 18, 2002
Grrr, on the news, there's all this talk about how we're supposed to be getting a foot of snow or some nonsense. I never believe that. I'm convinced that it's just hoopla to get us to watch the news and buy milk. {g} I had wanted to go buy my books tomorrow and maybe look for a new coat, but now no one will want to leave the house.
And classes start on Tuesday, so I have only one weekend left of vacation. Wah. :(
And for no good reason, here's an impression of my cousin.
"Check me out, I'm Craig. I never blog or turn on my IM!"
I hope that wasn't too offensive. {g}
posted by Beth at 11:08:00 PM
The Kids in the Hall are touring again?? My first reaction to that was excitement, but now I'm more nervous. I've been that way for about a year now—I find out that some person or group is going on tour or doing a show nearby and then I get a general feeling of nervousness. I'm not too sure what exactly is making me nervous, though. Enh.
posted by Beth at 10:52:00 PM
Elizabeth Berkley is on Craig Kilborn's show (I really hate him, did I ever mention that?), and she refuses to answer any questions about Showgirls. {snort}
Now she's talking about Titus. {snort}
posted by Beth at 1:18:00 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2002
I have a really hard time finding ink cartridges for my crappy, old printer. They no longer sell them at Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Max, or Staples. Circuit City was the last place that had them, and they were much cheaper than they were at Office Max, but still not cheap. I'm so dumb. I finally did a search for the kind I need, and this site sells them for the cheapest I've ever seen. I'm sure they'll go out of business, three minutes after I publish this. {g}
Wow, I sure do love Andy Partridge. Which reminds me, there's a new official XTC site. It's not that new, but it's new to me.
posted by Beth at 10:36:00 PM
Hey, I like your new layout. :)
posted by Beth at 7:15:00 PM
I am listening to the Dukes of Stratosphear.
Heh, I just got an email with this subject line:
HAH! I finally get some recognition! Really, it was junkmail, but it was amusing. And yes, I, too, am aware that it should have been "you're." {g}
"Brainiac's Daughter" might be my most favorite song.
posted by Beth at 3:14:00 AM
Tuesday, January 15, 2002
I need my hair cut, but no one here will do it for me, and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay to have it done. {g}
posted by Beth at 10:20:00 PM
Here's something else for that list down there.
- How come I feel like everyone from New York City and the New York City area is automatically ten times smarter and more hip and knowing than I am? I feel like a hick, and it makes me not want to leave home. {g}
posted by Beth at 2:45:00 AM
I just checked my search referrals and found out that someone came here looking for Tom Hanks's shoe size. Okay, I don't know it, but I'll tell you the next best thing. Richard Nixon's shoe size was 11d. No, really, I did not make that up. It's just something I know, and it's true. And to answer your next question. Richard Nixon's shirt size was 16.
Are you satisfied?
posted by Beth at 2:40:00 AM
More randon thoughts that are swimming around my head like so many goldfish.
- School starts again in a week. {despair}
- I still need to get a new coat.
- I wish someone were here, so we could play Nintendo and eat candy and drink soda, because that is my idea of a good time. {g}
- Why aren't I back in the living room and reading Harry Potter, like I should be?
- How come, no matter how often I practice, I get no better at bowling?
- Soon my Atari will be hooked up again, and then I will lament that no one is here eating candy, drinking soda, and playing Atari with me.
- I'm glad my throat feels a little better, but it still hurts more than it should.
- I want to go to the movies so much that I'd even sit through crap like The Majestic, just because I miss the very idea of going to the movies.
- I find it weird that I like meatloaf and cheeseburgers, but I do not enjoy steak.
- I might be the most boring person ever.
- I might be the most boring person ever, but at least I don't IM people and say, "asl?"
posted by Beth at 2:30:00 AM
Last night, I found out that Leonard Maltin has his own TV show. I find that oddly comforting. {g} Leonard Maltin reminds me of my Uncle John somehow, even though he neither looks nor acts like him. Maybe it's the beard, even though I don't think my uncle has a beard, right now. {g} And Leonard Maltin was in Gremlins 2, so of course he's great. {g} I remember seeing him on some talk show, years ago but years after Gremlins 2, and he was bragging about how his picture was on two trading cards, even though he's only in the movie for about 90 seconds. Awesomeness. {g} At least you know he's better than that Siskelebert guy. {g}
I should try to limit my time on the computer for the next couple days. My neck still hurts, and sitting here and using the mouse, somehow aggravates it more. I put a different chair in here, but it only helps a little. I really do doubt that I'll spend less time on the computer, but seeing as it's hurting me, I should at least try. {g}
And one more thing. {g} I really hate it, when people misuse "lol"s.
Example: My cat coughed up a hairball lol
Okay, you are not laughing, and we both know it! You should put a {g} on the end instead. I'm a big advocate of {g}'s. There, I said it.
posted by Beth at 1:07:00 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2002
Whoa, what's going on with my blog?
posted by Beth at 2:36:00 PM
Friday, January 11, 2002
Since I'm lame and never learned HTML like I meant to A YEAR AGO, I think that I'm just going to change the colors of this thing so that they correspond with particular holidays and seasons. I'll change it next, when it gets closer to Valentine's Day, just you wait and see. {g}
posted by Beth at 10:14:00 PM
I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried, y'see. {g}
posted by Beth at 8:47:00 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2002
Oh, I meant the genre and all of its piano and clarinet-filled goodness. It's fun to play and fun to hear, and it's easier to get into than classical music.
I hadn't even thought of the musical. You posed a good question. Ten points for Gryffindor. {g}
posted by Beth at 7:03:00 PM
Wednesday, January 09, 2002
More people should like ragtime. If you are reading this, then I'd like for you to become a ragtime enthusiast. {g}
posted by Beth at 9:44:00 PM
Tuesday, January 08, 2002
I think my modem is dying a slow death. :p
posted by Beth at 10:09:00 PM
Okay, the people at my school are idiots. I don't know if I mentioned this earlier, but I'm due to graduate in May. I had been thinking that maybe I should stay at school and get a minor in psychology. I like psychology, and I can buy myself more time to stay home and not look for real work. {g} The problem is that all my tuition comes from scholarships. That's really not much of a problem, but they're mostly four-year scholarships that are about to run out. I'm afraid I won't have the money to go back in September. And I can't just stick with my schedule for now, then see what I'm offered. I need to change my schedule in less than two weeks. In order to take more psychology classes later, I must take the second intro psych course now. That means dropping my writing class that I'd need to graduate. I'm afraid that if I keep the writing class and I am offered enough money, I'll have to come back for a really long time, so I can take the intro course, then take other courses afterward. I'm also afraid that if I take the intro course now and drop the writing class I need, that I won't have enough money to come back in the fall and I'll have to shell out about $600 bucks (that I don't have), so I can come back, take the writing class, then get my degree. Does that all make sense? Today, I called the financial aid office for advice, but they're morons. They didn't know what I was talking about, and all they said was that I need to fill out a financial aid application (duh) and wait, which I can't do. She said they didn't handle scholarships and I'd need to talk to someone from the dean's office, so she connected me. That woman had even less of an idea of what I was talking about. She said, "you have to be a student at this school," to which I said, "I'm a senior at this school!" Grrrr. They're losers. Maybe I should talk to my advisor about it.
posted by Beth at 7:43:00 PM
Aww, I wanted to be a Sloan boy.
You are the fifth member of sloan, the fan! You spend your time taking online tests and listening to your 3 gigs worth of mp3s.
Take the which sloan member are you test.
I just finished reading the third Harry Potter book and read the first chapter of the fourth book. Wow, my head is full of thoughts. {g}
posted by Beth at 4:46:00 AM
Monday, January 07, 2002
I just got my grades.
Ow, my neck still hurts. I got almost 14 hours of crappy sleep, last night. I had a nightmare that I can't remember and at least one other bad dream. And I kept waking up, because of my neck. Grr.
Like the last couple Sundays, Craig, Mark, and I went bowling. I got my best score ever, which was still really bad. Then we ate at Geet's (a diner). It was fun. I like this little tradition-type thing.
posted by Beth at 5:25:00 PM
Sunday, January 06, 2002
Online quizzes are my idea of a good time. {g}
posted by Beth at 5:54:00 AM
I truly have my doubts.
You're Tori Amos!
The Faery Queen
posted by Beth at 5:45:00 AM
Saturday, January 05, 2002
I'm looking at pictures of bass clarinets on ebay. They don't look as complicated as I had expected. I'd really like to have one.
posted by Beth at 10:43:00 PM
Last month, I oredered Maroon from It came on time and everything, but I only just went to listen to it last night. The damn thing won't play in my CD-ROM. I put it in and my computer tried to read it, then ten or so seconds later, it spat it back out. It plays just fine in my CD player, however.
I spent the past two hours staring at the living room ceiling and listening to Castaway, while my uncle watched it. I don't think I've ever talked so much during a movie. I kinda found it stupid. And what do all the ladies see in Tom Hanks, anyway?
Ever since the day after Christmas, my neck has hurt, particularly on the ride side. In addition to that, I haven't been sleeping well. I really can't understand why, because stress is what usually causes me to sleep badly, and I'm really not worried about anything right now. I have trouble falling asleep, but I fall asleep easier, when I lie on my right side, which makes my neck hurt more. Bah.
My cheesesteak should be here soon.
posted by Beth at 10:43:00 PM
Not a great quiz.
I don't quite get it. I am smarter, fitter, and bolder than my potbellied brother ever could hope to be, yet he gets all the fame, fortune, and glory, not to mention Peach's heart. If only I was the first player in Super Mario Bros... things could have been different. Maybe I can make a comeback, now that I finally have my own game.. but probably not. After all, I'm just Luigi.
What Super Mario Bros character are you?
I'm really bored and hungry. Wah.
posted by Beth at 8:29:00 PM
I thoguht I'd look into buying bowling shoes on ebay, but apparently few people are selling women's size 10 shoes. I swear, people have no respect for anybody who's a size 9 1/2 or greater. Losers. {g}
posted by Beth at 6:21:00 AM
Tonight, some guy IMed me and showed me and Davey-Bob (who never blogs), who was pretending to be a girl, a picture of his penis. I kid you not.
posted by Beth at 6:08:00 AM
Tonight, I was at a Radio Shack (where they turn shit into solid gold and whatnot {g}) with Suzanne, and I saw something that never fails to irritate me. A bunch of teenagers were huddled around a keyboard and one was trying to play "Imagine," but with only one finger, and she was making LOTS of mistakes.Then someone asked her to play the Halloween theme, which she butchered the hell out of. Worse than the butchering done by Michael Meyers. {g} Then she started saying, "No, wait,'s B E E C..." or some such nonsense. I felt like runniong from the store, because kids who show off their lack of musical talent drive me nuts. {g} Don't get me wrong, *I* cannot play the piano. Or at least I could half as well as that girl. {g} It's just really annoying. Argh.
posted by Beth at 6:06:00 AM
I am dazzled by the number of people who see this. I figured maybe I'd get two hits a day. Who are you all? Let's go to Dunkin' Donuts.
Another thing I did last night was clear out a couple shelves on a bookcase that was full of my old books and coloring books. I got rid of two trashbags full of books, in order to make room for some of my old college textbooks. It was kind of amusing and kind of sad all at the same time. I kept a lot more things than I needed. Basically, I kept anything that I really remember being fond of when I was little or that was full of 80's goodness. I kept a number of My Little Ponies things and Rainbow Brite things. I found a Rainbow Brite coloring book wherein I had colored La La Orange's clothing blue. Wasn't I quite the fool? I also found a never-been-used Masters of the Universe paint with water book, a Q-Bert book, and a number of Gremlins coloring books and paint with water books. I found and kept the sticker book that Craig's family gave me on my 5th birthday. I actually remember getting that. Sadly, I got rid of a Monchhichis book among other things. And a Sesame Street book called "Ernie Gets Lost," whose cover had a picture of a lost Ernie at a mall with a single tear coming out of his eye. It made me really sad. {g} Thinking about how I get farther and farther away from being a little kid saddens me, what am I supposed to do about that?
posted by Beth at 5:26:00 AM
Friday, January 04, 2002
sarah's test! :)
Take the awesomemonkeys test!
I love that this test mentions ROC. ^_^
Take this test right now, you scoundrels!
posted by Beth at 9:55:00 PM
I sincerely am Imelda Marcos.
In a fit of wanting to tidy up my horribly cluttered room, I pulled out from under my bed five pairs of Nike walking shoes. Yes, I wear Nikes, shut up! {g} I swear by my plain old white Nike walking shoes. They're the only kind of shoe that won't make my feet hurt. Then I remembered that some time ago, my mom did the same and put all my old pairs of worn-out sneakers in a bag in my closet. I found the bag under an incredibly heavy basket of clothes (yes, if you've ever seen me, you probably would suspect me of owning a lot of clothes, but a lot of the ones I still have include pants I've been too fat for). I couldn't get the bag out, so I had to pull out half the shoes, until the bag and its contents were small enough for me to slide out from under the basket. In the bag, I found another 6 pairs of Nike walking sneakers. Altogether, I own a dozen pairs of 'em—5 that were under my bed + 6 that were in my closet + 1 new pair that I got for Christmas. Nine pairs are plain white, and three pairs are plain black. I estimate that these are almost every pair of sneakers that I've owned since grade ten (1995-1996). They are currently lined up like a bunch of crazy-ass soldiers on my bedroom floor til I pick out one or two pairs to keep (it's always good to have a junky extra pair of shoes that you'll never use. Someone might ask me to help them paint their house or something. {g}) and get rid of the rest.
The only other pairs of sneakers I have are a pair of platform sneakers—I said shut up!—and a pair of black Converse high-tops that I never wear out of some weird kind of respect toward them. {g} And I have a couple pairs of dress shoes, which are the Spice Girliest shoes you'll ever see, because I happen to love the Spice Girls' taste in shoes. {g} I never wear them, however, because every single kind of dress shoe in the universe hurts my feet.
This post was more detailed, revealing, and embarrassing than I had meant for it to be. {g} And you are right, Imelda Marcos surely would not purchase Nikes and possibly would not purchase Spice Girly shoes, therefore, the first sentence is a lie. {g}
posted by Beth at 4:26:00 AM
Thursday, January 03, 2002
On the other hand, *I* like Pokémon and dislike Digimon. I never thought I was geeky, though. {g}
Man, last night, I dreamt I somehow acquired this awesome bass clarinet, and I was so excited about it that I assembled it in my living room. (It was really strange-looking and looked nothing like an actual bass clarinet; some of the pieces spun around and stuff.) But alas, I could not play it. Some of the notes I could get out of it sounded no deeper than the ones heard from a regular Bb clarinet. So excited and so disappointed. Then I woke up and realized that I didn't even have a crappy bass clarinet and felt more disappointed. {g}
posted by Beth at 9:00:00 PM
What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?
I was almost Jigglypuff.
posted by Beth at 5:27:00 AM
This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!
posted by Beth at 2:01:00 AM
Wednesday, January 02, 2002
BAAAAH! Why is remembering TV shows and popculture from the 70's and 80's and then keeping/wearing such merchandise considered emo/raver/punk? Dorks. {g}
This reminds me, I remember overhearing some girl in my Spanish class in grade 11 say that she found a pin that belonged to her mother that said, "Down the Drainy with Khomeini." I want that. {g}
posted by Beth at 11:52:00 PM
I wish someone were here. I want company. Or at least a phone call.
posted by Beth at 10:50:00 PM
Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz
posted by Beth at 5:04:00 AM
1. I love quizzes
2. I am amused.
3. Why do people think Brad is an asshole, anyway? I never got that. {g}
Which Rocky character are you?
posted by Beth at 1:46:00 AM
Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.
posted by Beth at 1:37:00 AM
posted by Beth at 1:28:00 AM
I am not.
Take the Which Empire Records Character are You? Quiz.
posted by Beth at 12:41:00 AM
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
This will have to do for now. Things that look Christmassy after Christmastime depress me. The other night, I had some weird happy dream about Christmas, and when I woke up, I felt bad that Christmas is almost as far away as it can be. And January is the most depressing month of the year.
posted by Beth at 4:18:00 AM
And when shall I change these colors?
posted by Beth at 4:03:00 AM
At midnight, I was eating a carrot stick in my kitchen. This New Year's Eve was almost as exciting as last year's which I spent eating crackers and watching the Powerpuff Girls.
My life is more exciting than any roller coaster.
And I have a cold.
posted by Beth at 4:01:00 AM