Tuesday, December 31, 2002
I'm bored (see below), so I continue to type.
Yesterday, while I slept all afternoon, Nathan went out and put in a job application at the public library, then he went shopping at GameStop, Tunes, and Target. Most notably, he got me the DVD of The Big Lebowski. I looked for it at two Best Buys last weekend and neither had it. (I did however get an Underdog DVD for $10 at the first Best Buy. Oddly, the second Best Buy had the same thing for $15. I triumphed. {g}) He also bought some stuff at Tunes, and he got Super Mario RPG at GameStop. I was really excited about finally seeing Mario RPG. I thought it might be excellent.
So we went to play it and it kept freezing and I was really afraid my SNES was dying on me. I flaked out and grabbed every SNES game I own and that one and cleaned them out. I don't mean to say that I own a fancy-schmancy SNES cleaning kit or a videogame cleaning kit of any kind. I just used Q-tips and alcohol. I cleaned out every game, and I tried to clean out the SNES a little bit, but Q-tips are a little too wide. On the back of every game, they tell you not to do this. Well, that's been my method for years, and it always works out. And GameStop should really clean out games before they sell them, because some people are slobs and they just don't care, and that game was fil-thy. Blah blah blah. Anyway, my Super Nintendo is working just fine now.
So we went to play Super Mario RPG, and guess what. I found it so annoying that I had to leave the room in five minutes, and Nathan played it for five hours straight. Gah. He has questionable taste anyway.
posted by Beth at 9:53:00 AM
I cannot sleep. I tried. And I'm usually asleep by this time, so I don't know what gives.
This Christmas to New Year's time period sure did fly away more quickly than usual. I haven't even done anything. I've been reading and loving my Hollywood Squares book and playing a lot of videogames. I was really hooked on Pokémon Snap, which is a lot cuter and more fun than Pokémon Stadium, but then that's a very different kind of game. I found the last of the Pokémon last night, and now I'm kind of sad. I'm also disappointed that the game features only 63 Pokémon instead of 150. After I finished with that, I played Mario 64 a little more, and the ice level drove me nuts, so I went to play Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which I got for Christmas. It's really neat, but then that started to drive me crazy. Then I got in bed and played Zelda: Oracle of Seasons on GameBoy Color and that started to drive me crazy, so I quit with that and read about Hollywood Squares. I'm taking my time with the book, because I always feel a little sad, when I finish a book. Some people read just to finish. I don't. Then I went to watch my tape of the Squares from yesterday, and I'd forgotten to put a tape in, so I missed it. Bah. I am well aware that I am a loser. I'm cool with it. {g}
I do not feel like having New Year's Eve today. It just doesn't seem like it should be right now. Sometimes it does, but not this year. My family has to work, and that sucks for them, because they normally don't have to. And I'll probably sleep til 8 at night, then sit around and do nothing for the rest of the evening. Not that I'd rather go to a party or something. I wasn't invited to any, I don't know of any, and I dislike parties. I guess I don't even know what I'd like to be doing.
I'm bored, and my stomach hurts. Bah and ow.
posted by Beth at 9:37:00 AM
Sunday, December 29, 2002
This is something I whipped up in about one minute with the crummy Paint program that comes with all the Windows operating systems. It's called... Economy!
I'm sure it's very symbolic. {g} Also, I should point out that this was only made and posted, because I am very bored and lame.
posted by Beth at 10:47:00 PM
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
Hah! Gremlins and Gremlins II are on the Sci-Fi Channel!
I really love the Gremlins movies. They rock the house. And yeah, the first Gremlins takes place at Christmas, for Gizmo was a gift. I also just saw part of Christmas Vacation dubbed into Spanish on Telemundo.
I got many lovely things today. And people seem to enjoy giving me presents that begin with "cand," because I received a lot of candy and a lot of candles. I knew I was going to get it all along, but I'm really excited that I finally own Peter Marshall's book; he's the host of the classic Hollywood Squares. The current host seems secretly evil to me, and he's like school on Saturday. No class. That joke was stolen from Fat Albert, I apologize. But Peter Marshall is a class act.
And another surprise from today—well, I really love Wally Cox (he also was on Hollywood Squares, and he had a show in the early '50s with Tony Randall, whom I also love), today, I found out that Wally Cox lent his voice to Underdog! How did I miss that? Boy, well, I love Underdog now. {g}
And there's a picture of Wally Cox in my Dictionary of Teleliteracy, which was written by one of the professors who taught my TV History and Appreciation class who's also a TV critic for the New York Daily News. I hadn't seen the picture til today, when I thumbed through the book again. It was a pleasant surprise.
posted by Beth at 11:45:00 PM
It's Chistmas and we're eating dinner soon. It also happens that I'm wearing a jade bracelet and hiding from my family. That wasn't intentional, but I guess it's so, since I'm alone in here using the computer, while everyone else is in the kitchen and living room.
I'm very fond of this bracelet.
posted by Beth at 3:20:00 PM
Oh my, I am wildly moved by this version of "O Little Town of Bethlehem" by the Young Fresh Fellows.
I got up sort of early. I think I went to bed after 8am and I got up a little before 2pm. I probably would have kept on sleeping, if my uncle hadn't asked me if I wanted to go with him. We went to the cemeteries where my grandparents and great grandparents are buried, then we ate lunch at McDonalds and walked around KMart for no good reason. We were about to go home, then at the last minute, we went to my Aunt Marjory's. It was really weird for me to go to someone else's house for awhile on Christmas Eve. Normally, everyone comes here. We didn't stay too long. Once we got back home, people started coming here. Mark and his mom were first. After they got here we walked over to Craig's, but he was asleep. I brought Dewey, but he was being wiggy, so I didn't stay long. I said hello to Uncle Bud, then we left, but not til after Sue gave me a hug and the biggest box of Godiva I have ever received in my life, and I haven't even had any in several years, so that was Good. After I got home, a lame chain of events occurred and I ended up cleaning out the bathtub, while everyone was over here. It was stupid and caused by my own lack of foresight. While people were over, I didn't hide as much as I often do, and that was nice. I probably talked to Mark most, and he gave me a mustard-colored shirt I'd had my eye on and I gave him the Friends trivia game that I believe Colleen also got for Christmas. It started to snow, so everyone left a little earlier than usual, and Nathan called to say he was in Virginia. I assume all or most of them will be back tomorrow for dinner.
I really hope Christmas Day is fun. I always feel like Christmas Eve is the best, then the next day is a letdown, but I don't exactly know why. I guess because I like Christmastime more than I like Christmas, and Christmas Day means the beginning of the end. I will try to feel good, though.
I feel very tired, but at the same time, I want to stay up and watch the Christmas stuff I haven't gotten to see so far. I always watch Christmas Vacation at some point as well as A Very Brady Christmas (which I'm saving for tomorrow, I think). But I'd also like to see It's A Wonderful Life, because I like it better, since I've seen Mark play George Bailey, and I also feel oddly compelled to watch Home Alone. And then there's A Christmas Story. What shall I do?
posted by Beth at 3:03:00 AM
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
I wish more people were blogging. Give me something to read, I don't care if it's Christmas!
And have a nice Christmas, dear reader.
It would truly be a miracle, if I could take control of myself and not sleep through most of today and tomorrow. I think I'll try to force myself to be up by noon or something.
In an attempt to be festive, I bought (okay, I asked my uncle to buy) a gold garland ponytailholder, last Saturday. I really like it, but it's falling apart, and I can tell that it won't be around next Christmas. I learned that Claire's sells a lot of cute things that I would never have cared about years ago. I also got some cute little flower earrings, and there were some hair things I wanted, but I'm not skilled enough to do anything with my hair. I looked at the directions on the back of those stick-things, and I know I'll never be able to follow it. I wish I'd discovered Claire's a few weeks earlier, so that I could have asked for earrings and stuff. And continuing my attempt to be festive, while watching (the new version of) Miracle and 34th Street, I painted my nails alternating red and green. It probably looks dorky.
Earlier Nathan, who will leave for Pennsylvania soon so that he can meet his family and leave for Virginia to see his grandparents, and I already exchanged presents. He gave me a Queen CD (I've meant to get myself one for ages but never did), a stuffed Nyago, a birthstone Marie (from the Aristocats) from the Disney Store, some chocolates (I don't know if that's supposed to count, actually), and supposedly another present is in the mail. Yes, I got two plush cats, interestingly.
What else can I say? Hmmm...
Okay, I've got nothing, so I'm going to go put my laundry away and perhaps listen to Dr. Demento's Christmas album. {g}
posted by Beth at 6:24:00 AM
Saturday, December 21, 2002
Finals are done. Yay!
Tonight, while at the Rag Shop (my mom was buying a zipper and fabric and things), I jokingly said that I wanted to put together a nativity scene with Hollywood Squares figures. I was kidding, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it. Now I feel bad that I can't. {g} It would have been beautiful. Rose Marie would be Mary with Paul Lynde as Joseph. Peter Marshall, Wally Cox, and George Gobel as the three wise men and Charley Weaver, Jonathan Winters, Buddy Hackett (he was really good on the show, you know), and Jan Murray as shepherds. As for the baby Jesus, I'd have to use some generic baby. No baby has ever appeared on the old Hollywood Squares, as far as I know. Well, that technically isn't true. Wayland Flowers had a puppet of a baby, whose name I forget. Smitty? He was more famous for Madame, anyway. That's the beautiful holiday vision that I'm sharing with all of you.
Don't be offended. {g}
posted by Beth at 2:44:00 AM
Friday, December 20, 2002
The lesson for today is: shop around at book buyback.
Before my exam in learning and behaviorism, I overheard someone saying that they went to the book buyback in Robinson and were offered very little money for their books. They didn't accept and instead went to the book buyback in the student center and got more money for the same stuff. I took the exam, which was kind of hard, I guess. I have no idea how I did. Afterward, I ambled over to the book buyback at Robinson with the hopes of getting some money for two of my Magazine Article Writing books. Normally, I'm big on keeping my books, but these ones are just uninteresting and bleh. The first one (the one I bought new for like $50) is apparently worth nothing to the school, and the guy refused to accept it. The other book (a battered and crappy little thing I paid $10 for, used), he said he'd give me $1.50 for. I said no thanks and left. His rad southern accent did not make me lose my head and accept pocket change for my books. {g} Then I went to the student center and gave someone else the same stuff. This time, the lady was going to pay me for the first book (how come she would, when the other guy wouldn't take it at all?) for 4 measly dollars. I said no. The other book, the battered one, could get me $7, so I quickly took the money and ran. I didn't think I'd get more than $5. So shop around, kids. If anyone wants to buy a copy of Magazine Article Writing by Betsy P. Graham, I got the hook up. I'm thinking of going to the spring Magazine Article Writing class and asking if anyone wants to buy the book directly from me instead of paying the bookstore's inflated prices, next month.
Then I went to the computer lab and talked to Colleen and junk before calling Cindy up. My next class wasn't til 6:30, so we went to the store. Mark drove. I think he's a good driver, aside from the anger and hatred for other people on the road. {g} At the last minute, Mark and I decided that he should accompany me to my class, because all I had to do was hand in some things. We got there, and it was kind of weird. I've been to classes where parents brought their little kids, but not their 18-year-old cousins. While we were waiting for class to start, I heard someone playing Zelda on Gameboy Advance, and it got me all nostalgic for the SNES Zelda.
The class was only filled was a third of the usual people, because some people were late and others handed things in early, I guess. The teacher noticed Mark right away and shook his hand. She collected everything and asked us what we were doing for vacation and about old and new traditions. Not many people said much. Some guy said he and 16 relatives were spending Christmas and New Year's in Disneyworld. Merry ¢hri$tma$ indeed. I spoke up not. That's not totally true. I spoke up, when she asked if everyone's finals were over, and I said I had one left for Friday. She said she spoke a little Russian in college. That was neat. Oh, and she brought snacks! She made everyone take a cookie or candy or orange, after we handed our papers and journals in. I grabbed a cookie and shared it with Mark, and it was the most delicious cookie ever. Ev-er. On the way out, ten minutes later, Mark and I grabbed another cookie, and halfway to the elevator, we decided to get more. After all, you'd fall bad, if you brought in snacks and people didn't take many, right? Exactly. I meant to tell her they were great and ask what kind they were. When we got there, some kid was telling her that he and his girlfriend broke up and he missed her and she hated psychology and things were hard for him. I have no idea why people disclose this sort of thing to teachers. She's more of a counselor than a teacher, but still. I stood there waiting for her to acknowledge us or nod or something, but she was busy listening to the guy, so we waited, then Mark and I each took a cookie. Then we waited some more. No acknowledgment. So we left and felt totally awkward from just standing there, since we'd only come back for more snacks. Then we got in the elevator and were so wrapped up in feeling weird that it was two minutes before I'd realized we hadn't pushed the button. We are grade A dorks. {g} It was very TV-like.
I think I'm going to email her about getting the recipe. The cookies were more like a cake. I can't describe them, aside from how debilitatingly yummy they were.
Now only my Russian final remains and it's at 12:30. I should study and sleep. Eeshk.
posted by Beth at 3:05:00 AM
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
I am amused by this referral.
17 Dec, Tue, 22:34:24 Google: Robert Fulghum chicken fried steak
I want some cole slaw. Some chicken fried steak wouldn't be bad, either.
posted by Beth at 8:55:00 PM
My mom says she'll see about getting me a new printer for Christmas, so someone should see about helping me pick one out, since I know zero about printers. Zero!
I am currently listening to Dean Martin and working on a self-study for my adolescent development class, where I say such things as, "I am an only child. My mother is indulgent." It's coming along slowly, because I keep getting distracted. I think I'll get distracted again and look at my search referrals.
posted by Beth at 8:50:00 PM
Whoa, I just slept my ass off. I finished the paper yesterday afternoon at about 1, then I went to sleep for a couple hours. Got up, got to my 30-minute clarinet lesson 20 minutes late, but she's nice, so she just let me have it late. We played Christmas songs; that's a tradition that goes back as far as every Christmas that I've taken clarinet lessons (8 years). Then Unc and I went to my school and I handed in my paper. The prof wanted us to slip them under her office door, so I did. It seemed strange, though. I'd rather have left it in her mailbox in the main office, but she didn't ask us to do that. Then we went to the mall, and I returned something I got for my mom that I've decided not to give her. I meant to eat dinner at home, but my uncle didn't want to. We were going to eat in the food court, but it was too crowded to find a place to sit, so we went to Boston Market on the way home. They have A+ cole slaw. I wish I could eat cole slaw everyday. Then I struggled to stay awake and watch the SNL Christmas special, and fell asleep right afterward. I meant to sleep til maybe 11, but I just got up, right before 7. That's kind of bad, because I have to have another paper written for tomorrow and I have to study for another exam. Will there be time? I don't know. I'm really tempted to spend the whole morning eating candy and watching cartoons or playing Super Mario 64, but it would be better for me to either go back to sleep or read for my exam. I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere today.
posted by Beth at 7:21:00 AM
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Grraaaah. I'm stupid. I have to write a paper for my magazine article writing class, the last paper. I haven't even started, and it's due in, oh, less than 12 hours. Actually, I have to leave the house by about 4 to get to my clarinet lesson, then go to school to hand this paper in. Of course I haven't writen a word, so here I go.
posted by Beth at 5:44:00 AM
Friday, December 13, 2002
Now playing: A Christmas mix I made last year
Yeah, last year, I made this Christmas mix and gave it out to some cousins and such. They probably all threw it out, lost it, or burned it or something. I'm bored, so I will share a tracklist with you. Some of the things I put on there are weird, and I didn't know how people would feel, when I gave them the CD. I mean, Sarah McLachlan, what?? See, just when you think I'm going to zig, I zag. {g}
1. They Might Be Giants - O Tannenbaum
2. Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Metallica - Carol of the Bells
3. Elton John - Step Into Christmas
4. Band-Aid - Do They Know It's Christmastime?
5. Squirrel Nut Zippers - Carolina Christmas
6. Barenaked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
7. Run DMC - Christmas in Hollis
8. Ben Folds - Lonely Christmas Eve
9. XTC - Thanks For Christmas
10. Esquivel - White Christmas
11. Tom Lehrer - A Christmas Carol
12. "Weird Al" Yankovic - Christmas At Ground Zero
13. Squirrel Nut Zippers - Sleigh Ride
14. They Might Be Giants - Feast of Lights
15. Adam Sandler - The Chanukah Song
16. Rev. Run, Mase, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Salt 'N' Pepa, Onyx, and Keith Murray - Santa Baby
17. They Might Be Giants - Santa's Beard
18. The Vandals - Oi To The World
19. "Weird Al" Yankovic - The Night Santa Went Crazy
20. Snoop Dogg - Santa Claus Goes Straight to the Ghetto
21. The Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)
22. Wesley Willis - Merry Christmas
And my CD has a special bonus track, because I made it last. I get a lounge version of themes from the Nutcracker that sarah sent me last year.
If I were to remakethe CD, it might be about 85% different, since I found some new songs that I wish I'd known last year, like that Moxy Fruvous thing.
I hope people aren't going to think my Christmas CD is some kind of offensive travesty or something. {g}
posted by Beth at 3:42:00 AM
Thursday, December 12, 2002
I am stuck at school. Today, I had my last Learning and Behaviorism class. We finally did our presentation that should have been done a week ago. Then I had my last Adolescent Development class. The whole class was just a big test (but not the final, which is a paper due next week). I got done at 8. Class ends at 9, so I asked to be picked up at 9. I called home and my uncle isn't there, so I've had to kill an hour here at the computer lab. I wish I'd known that I'd be getting out early, or I wish he had a cell phone. Yesterday was my last Russian class. We had to do one of those teacher evaluation things, and then a lady from the foreign language department said that in the fall, they're greatly expanding the Russian program to include more classes and a minor. Next fall, when I am out of school for good, because my school likes to mock me. :p
Here's the agenda for next week:
Tuesday: paper due for Magazine Article Writing (I need to start this soon)
Thursday: Learning and Behaviorism exam and self study for Adolescent Development is due
Friday: Russian I exam
I am hungry. I would like a cheeseburger, but I will be going home to eat leftover fish.
posted by Beth at 8:47:00 PM
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Check this.
Bear Hugs: As they turn 40, it's hard not to like the Berenstain Bears. Or their creators.
This was in the paper last weekend. I must have over 30 Berenstain Bear books lying around somewhere. I like the article, although I dislike the author's "The Berenstain Bears are annoying" tone.
posted by Beth at 4:43:00 AM
I was just watching Animal Planet and I saw a grizzly bear and a cat who are friends. It was cute. They share food. I also ate a chocolate cheese muffin from My Favorite Muffin. And now *you* know all about it.
I should be reading. And tomorrow the girl in my group (well, two people don't really count as a group, but you know) have to do our presentation that we couldn't do last week because it snowed. I have not communicated with her, so I hope she remembers to bring in the paper. I don't have it, and she uses Works or some crazy thing like that, so I couldn't do anything with it anyway. I also hope she does most of the talking.
Tomorrow, I have to get up and call up people and ask if they know the lady I wrote a profile on, so that maybe I can get an anecdote or story or quote of any kind about her to incorporate into my paper. It's due tomorrow and everything. I tried getting people on Wednesday, Friday, and today to no avail. I really hope someone can say something, when I call. I'd prefer to have done this in person, but the couple times I showed up, the political science office was closed and locked up. Crum.
A condensed version of my weekend, if you please.
Friday My mom went to some dance recital thing for her boyfriend's granddaughter, so I went shopping just with my uncle. We went to Bob Evans for the first time in months. We both had chicken fried steaks. I now know that I like chicken fried steak. You know who else likes chicken fried steak? Robert Fulghum, author of All I Really Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten. Then we went to some stores and bought the very last fake 6.5' pencil tree at Lowe's. We have yet to put it up.
Saturday There was a party at my cousins' house, or my aunt and uncle's house, if you please; it's the same place. I said I wasn't going to go. Instead, Nathan, Uncle John, Craig (!!!), and I went to the Cherry Hill Mall and to dinner at Bennigan's. I love Bennigan's. I've only been there twice, and I am best friends with their cole slaw. There's a Hall of Heroes at the Cherry Hill Mall (but I am more familiar with the one in the Echelon Mall. New Jersey has a lot of malls, get over it! {g}) and this one had better Sanrio stuff, which I ooh'd and ahh'd at. By better, I mean to say that there are more characters than Hello Kitty. Also at Hall of Heroes, Craig bought a Donkey Kong shirt, and I was jealous and I wanted one, and Nathan bought a Super Mario Bros. shirt, and I was jealous and I wanted one. They had a plush Grr, from Invader Zim that I nearly bought, then I changed my mind. I was thinking of giving it to Someone, but I will not be.
After the shopping and the eating, we got home at about 11:30, then Nathan and I went back out to the Wal-Mart (I would have preferred the KMart, but they weren't open), so he could get oil and an oil filter for his car. It was totally lame, because he didn't know what kind he needed, so he kept running out back and forth to the car to get the manual, to get some other thing, to look at the dipstick, to lick the tire, etc. I stayed inside the whole time and bought boxes, so I can Mail Things. On the way home, we stopped at the party for the hell of it and stayed for about 35 minutes. We got there at 2, and a handful of people were there. We talked to Dorothea and her boyfriend for a bit and left when they did. I didn't see Alyssa at all. Or Patti, come to think of it. Mark didn't go to the party, because he was supposed to be making cookies and decorating the tree with his girlfriend, which sounds really pleasant to me. Supposedly, they called him a little before 2 to ask him to come, and he said no, and he was sleeping or something. Alyssa's friend Danielle said he was "whipped" or something. I found and still find that to be a crazy accusation. Whipped by whom? His biological need to sleep? And who was going to get him, anyway? And when was the last time you got out of bed to go to a party that was pretty much over, but I digress. I'm glad I stopped by; I would have felt bad, if I didn't. But I parties are not my friends, so I'm also glad I stopped by when it wasn't crowded and didn't stay long enough to get depressed.
Sunday Nathan and I went over to my Aunt Marjory's, so my Uncle Tommy could show Nathan how to change his oil, as he said he'd do on Thanksgiving. They did, and I sat in the house and talked to Marji, while she wrote out Christmas cards and to Aunt Marjory and Harry (he goes there practically everyday. Aunt Marjory is his twin sister. Did you know that? Okay.). I even saw Johnny for a minute; I never see Johnny. When I'm at their house, I always feel jealous, because they have four dogs, and I wish I had more dogs. Oh, I forgot to mention that I brought Dewey. He got along really well with all their dogs. I was surpruised. He was nice around Sable, who's a 14-year old doberman who can't walk well, and he played with Ginger who's a labrador. We watched part of Goldmember, which they'd rented, with everybody, then we left.
On the way back to my house, we stopped at my Aunt Tina's, so I could see her kitten. They got her in the summer (well, not "got," since someone had apparently left her near their garage), and I still hadn't seen it yet. She's a pretty little thing with white, gray, and black markings. Her name is Kitty, which is uncreative. Kit is creative. Kitty is not. {g} It had been a long time, since I'd played with a kitten, and I'd forgotten how much I like them.
Then we dropped Dewey off at my house and went to the Hamilton Mall (another mall). Nathan tried to find a new coat, but everything there looked kind of 1970's pimp or something. So we ate in the food court and split. Then we saw the Nutcracker. I liked it well enough. Not the best production I've seen, but it was good and just seeing it is the important part.
Today Nathan went to work then home. I went to Russian class, and my mom and uncle went to the store while I was in class. Then I found that the political science office was locked, and that smelled. We went to Best Buy, but then my mom drove me crazy and we left without buying anything. Then we went to the Deptford Mall (I keep mentioning malls. I have a problem.), so my uncle could get his glasses fixed at Lenscrafters. While he was doing that, my mom and I went into the bookstore, and my mom bought a book for me about the Jersey Devil, right while I was standing there, because she loves to surprise me. :P Then we ate in the food court. I had Chik-Fil-A and an eggroll. My mom had chili fries and an eggroll. Maybe she's pregnant. (Haha, that is impossible for two reasons!). Then we came home, and I was upset because I missed 7th Heaven, which is an embarrassing thing to admit, but then I found out it was only the repeat where Simon became a manstitute.
There. Wooo ah. I must go read now. For real this time.
posted by Beth at 4:39:00 AM
Friday, December 06, 2002
Don't be offended by the new colors.
posted by Beth at 6:29:00 AM
And I have two little stories from last Tuesday's classes. I find them both insane, so I share.
1. In my learning and behaviorism class, a girl was talking about her experiment for rewarding someone with short- and long-term rewards, and if they're too far off, it's no good and all this. Then some girl in my class said that her parents were going to buy her a brand new Mustang, if she could bring home straight A's. Not for graduation. Not for a year, even. For one semester. And she said she couldn't do it, because she didn't care enough. But... but... a new car... couldn't she buckle down for four months, then go back to slacking off after she got the car? And a Mustang is her dream car, and she still didn't care enough? Wah?? And then she said her family was poor. I'm supposing that means A) She has no idea what "poor" means or B) Her parents know that never in a million years will she work hard enough, so they can make all the promises they want.
2. In my magazine article writing class, we had to do a little exercise where we wrote about our Thanksgiving, then shared it with the class. I wrote about how we have a buffet at my house and how I hate it. Anyway, this girl shared her story. Her ultra-Catholic relatives were coming to her house for Thanksgiving. The aunt is nuts, and she thinks Harry Potter is evil and won't allow her two kids to see the movies or read the books. The girl in my class saw the movie, but she didn't want to start trouble, so she wasn't going to mention it. As soon as they sat down at the table, her little brother anounces to everyone that she did see the movie. Then her aunt started screaming at her and saying things like, "You'd better go to confession, right away!" and "You need a priest!" and "You'd better find out what religion you really are!" Craziness!
And one last thing here. For that magazine class, for our final project, due the 18th, I believe, we can write an article about anything we want. I think I want to write another trend story (she really liked my wobblehead article, so thank you for the idea!). This time, I think I might want to write about making friends online or dating someone you meet from online, as I have done both and that's an example of a trend on the rise. I need sources, though, so if you want to share a story or example (good or bad), I'd really appreciate it. But don't ask to read it afterward, because I freak out and get really nervous, if people I know read my work. {g}
posted by Beth at 5:53:00 AM
Of course I slept all day today. I had a lot of crazy dreams, which usually happens, when I'm very much in need of decent sleep. I won't bore you with the details on those, aside from one dream involving some three-day KITH thing that involved newsgroup members, but not the actual KITH. All I know is that there was a lot of running around and I somehow grabbed the magical trophy (shaped like Velma from Scooby-Doo) to help my team win. That was on day one, though, and I had to go home after that, because I didn't have the money to stay. I don't know what that's about aside from me needing more money. I haven't even read the NG in awhile, either.
I want to feel more holidayish, but I don't. Listening to Christmas music helps, but I don't feel like getting out my Box O' Holiday CDs and Cassettes, even though it's about four feet away. I played some holiday music on the clarinet yesterday, which was, like, okay I guess. I like to do that. On Sunday, Nathan and I are seeing the Nutcracker at a college (not mine). Man, I really really love the Nutcracker (I should listen to *that* CD). Nathan's never seen it, I don't think. A lot of people become more bored with that sort of thing than with other things; with things where people sing and whatnot, for instance. It's the only ballet I've ever seen, but I assume I'd enjoy others. I wish our Christmas tree were up. We always put it up late. Always. If it were up to me, it'd be up after my birthday. This year, my uncle is thinking we should get a new tree, a "pencil" tree, which is really narrow, so it takes up less room. I like a wide, full tree better, but it's not my money. Oh, by the way, I'm talking about fake trees here. We always have fake trees. And my mom, who has nothing to do with putting the tree up, thinks we should make do with one of the old ones. But there's either the one that's really too big and the one that's kind of scraggly and bare-looking. Then my mom said she might not make cookies this year. I hope this was a lie. My mom likes to lie to me. I'd go have the last of the grocery store egg nog, if not for the fact that I just brushed my teeth. Non-alcoholic grocery store egg nog is da bomb. For real.
What a poorly organized paragraph that was. Ah well.
posted by Beth at 5:35:00 AM
Thursday, December 05, 2002
Yow. There is no school today, because it's supposed to snow like crazy all day long. And as with all snow reports in our area, we should expect to get between two and one thousand inches, because you know everyone tells you something different.
Anyhow, I'm actually kind of pissed about the school closing, which also applies to my night classes. See, normally this is good, but I had to do a presentation today, I had to hand in a paper, and I had to find someone to interview so I can add to my profile article. Also, for my adolescent development class, we've missed so many already. We missed classes because of Thanksgiving and because she wanted us to see a lecture, and the group projects took up three classes instead of two, and this class meets only weekly. Next week will be our last class before the exam, so this raises a million questions about what's due and when. Bluh.
And there's no sled, so I can't attempt to go sledding for the first time in years. And the only N64 game I have is Pokémon Stadium, which is more fun with two players. Normally snow days equal sleep and videogames, but I'm just irritated right now.
I am such a lame-ass nerd for complaining about a snow day. I am ashamed.
posted by Beth at 7:06:00 AM