Bwoop! Bwoop!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I stole this from Tavie.

The Count
The Count's Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

It started with a simple affection for counting and
the terror it induced in others, didn't it?
But now it's turned into a full-blown
life-consuming chaotic nightmare of order,
repetition, zealousness, and perfectionism.
You used to be so grand, but now you find
yourself obsessively worrying over the littlest
things--like, maybe if you don't check the
light switch at least once every two minutes,
the electricity will go out (and damnit, you're
a vampire--that shouldn't be a problem!), or
maybe if you don't wash your hands until your
seams are coming out, you'll get some fatal
disease. Get yourself some treatment.

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

TV Land's Brady Brady Brady Weekend really threw a monkey wrech into the gears of my productivity machine. I'd seen all of those episodes before, but they're always good. And Pop Up Brady was especially excellent. I got less done than any other weekend since school started. I do not complain, though.

Today, I was doing my work study thing, and while I was sitting there almost falling asleep and not being asked to do any work for them, I heard someone in another room listening to music, probably mp3s. I was surprised to hear one of the songs, and when a secretary came in to get something, I asked her who was playing the music, and she looked at me blankly and said, "what music?" What's up with that? It was pretty loud, and I know this woman isn't hard of hearing. And the music came from the same room that she did. It kind of made me mad, somehow. For the spring, I really hope to do work study in a different office.

I keep forgetting and then remembering that TMBG is this Thursday. I should be doing homework.

posted by Beth at 7:33:00 PM

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I was just looking at movie listings for the 15 closest theatres to me on, and none of them is carrying A Dirty Shame. What the hell is that about? Fifteen theatres! Most of them are Regals, United Artists, and AMCs, but why are none of them carrying this movie? At least one of them has shown NC-17 movies before. I know this, because I had relatives who'd gone to see them. It was a long time ago, I realize. I mean, I was probably 17 years old or younger, but if they did it then, then why not now? Rarrr, I can't see myself going to Philadelphia to see this movie, but that's the closest that it's playing. And there are three places, at least that are in Philadelphia and closer to me than the one place that actually is showing it. Even the Ritz isn't showing it. Well, the fourth closest Ritz is, I think, but that's farther than the far away Philadelphia theatres. This is wrongness.

Another thing that aggravates me: I've had two quizzes so far. On each one of them, I have gotten everything right except for one small mistake. I did it last week, and I did it today. It's driving me crazy. Maybe I just need to become used to taking quizzes and tests again. I have another stat quiz tomorrow, and I promise to prevail.

Really, I'm not all that angry, aside from these two things. Today wasn't a bad day at all. I mostly felt like posting, because I don't want my last period of non-posting to be construed as computer troubles. I guess the problem was the power supply all along, as my computer has been working well for me as of late. {knock knock and stuff}

But seriously, John Waters is too trashy and yet WILMBLEDON is playing everywhere! Has anyone seen previews for that? I saw the trailer each time I saw Spider-Man 2. Now that makes me nauseous. And then there's BABY GENIUSES 2! Oh the humanity!

posted by Beth at 6:01:00 PM

Thursday, September 16, 2004

My computer is still working, but I remain suspicious. :
For the sake of completion, I'll mention my other classes, as I did with the first two.

Statistics I is a good class. I was kind of down about it at first, because I thought calculus was more fun, and because he encourages us to teach ourselves the math. But then I remembered that I always work best at teaching myself math, and I like that his lectures are short and the rest of the class includes working independently on some problems. We had a quiz, and I knew the material very well, but I was nervous, and I failed to read all of a particular question, so I got points off for it. I ended up with a 45 out of 50, which upsets me greatly. I was so ready to make a histogram that I totally didn't realize that I also had to explain the histogram.

I was very nervous about Computing Environments at first. At the first class, I got the impression that I didn't know as much as I should about computers, but having been to more classes, I can see that it's okay. I think I'm much better off than a lot of the people in class. I also like the teacher.

I had my first Microeconomics class this past Monday. I really, really hate that subject. The teacher is very nice, but the material is so incredibly boring that I can't stand it. I hope I can stick with it long enough to learn for tests.

And I don't want to sound like an ass, but my god, there are so many stupid people in my classes that can't seem to grasp the most basic things. That's especially true in accounting and statistics. I shudder to think that most of these kids are going to become teachers themselves someday. Yes, I'm an ass. I already said that.

I'm listening to a Kelly Hogan CD that I bought last week. I ripped all of the files onto my computer, so that I wouldn't have to go hunt down the CD. For some reason, a particular song title came out really wrong. The song is called "No, Bobby Don't" and it's about dating or being married to a drunk loser guy who fights too much and embarrasses her and treats her badly. Anyway, the title on the file is "No, Daddy Don't." Ew.

posted by Beth at 7:49:00 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Right, so my computer has been out of the shop three times. The fan is new and was replaced Friday night, and things still shut down without warning. We took it back Monday and I got it back today with a replaced power supply thing. It works *this very minute* but the whole affair has gotten me super scared that at any second it'll shut itself down.

Nathan was trying to be nice, so he let me borrow his computer, except that his computer refuses to work with my dial-up connection for reasons unknown. I also hate his computer, because it's from the time of the Flintstones and has little pterodactyls in it that flap their wings to cool it, in lieu of a fan. And I'd been using Windows XP for so long that I forgot that the blue screen of death even existed. I complain, but it was an important gesture. Last night, I used it to finish my Computing Environments project, because all I needed for that was Word.

I am so scared that my computer will break down any minute. I hate living in fear. Ack. {weep}

posted by Beth at 7:12:00 PM

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Maaaaaaan! So remember when I was talking about my computer shutting down, and it was likely to be a problem with the fan and overheating? It happened two more times after I wrote about it, even after I cleaned out the inside really well with a can of air. I've had this computer for maybe three years or so, and that was never a problem before. So I took it to the shop and told them about it on Thursday. Today they called me up and said that it was fixed, and they didn't need to change the hardware, they just changed the settings or some such. So I took it home, hooked it up, turned it on, and less than two minutes later, it shut itself down again. GRR! So we took it right back, and I sat in the car and knitted, and made Nathan go in and talk to them, and he said that they changed the fan and possibly did something else, I forget. Now it's here, and it works for now, but I'm extremely nervous that it'll break down on me again. I have a lot of work to do on the computer coming up, and I just can't work well in the school labs. Eck. After I took it home for the second time today, I still got messages saying things about the fan rotation being too low and about the CPU temperature being too high, which was my problem before. Why, after getting a new fan is this still happening? I ended up turning off all of the alarms, because I don't know what I can do about them. Nor do I know what hysteresis is and how it relates to my computer. I wonder why this is a concern now. I know it's hot in my house, but it's been less hot than it has in previous summers, and it hasn't been overly hot this past week. And there's a new fan, and yet this continues. I don't know what to make of it, and I also can't afford to go without my computer for more than a day.

Aside from that, Nathan and I took Dewey and Wally to the vet today, and they're both healthy. They love Dewey. He's like a small C celebrity over there. And Wally was a good boy, even though he hated being squashed into the cat carrier. He's since forgiven me, though.

Tonight, Nathan and I went to the Tin Angel to see Kelly Hogan and Nora O'Connor, except that we hadn't heard of Nora. She wasn't an opener. Rather, she sang back-up for some of Kelly's songs and they took turns singing their own songs. I felt really bad, because the turnout was so small. I guess I thought Kelly Hogan had a bigger following in the area. Neko Case shows at the Tin Angel were always pretty crowded, so I been expected something similar. I haven't felt this bad about a small crowd turnout since I last saw Sloan. Anyway, the show was nice and quiet and pleasant. I spent way too much money. Before the show, I bought a piece of chocolate cake and a soda for myself and a drink for Nathan ($17, including tip). And I'd been planning on buying one of Kelly's CDs, since I have only one, but I also ended up buying Nora's CD, and a CD full of children's songs from Bloodshot artists ($34). Okay, so here's something that made me cranky. This week, I got an email from my school saying that anyone with a college ID can ride the NJ Transit buses or trains for free for this week. This is a good deal. It would save me about $8, and the timing is great, because I actually needed to go to Philadelphia this week. I was nervous that they wouldn't honor the promotion. On the ride to the city, the guy knew about it, but on the way back, the guy didn't. And he was a total moron. I said, "NJ Transit is supposed to be letting students with college IDs ride for free this week," and I showed him my ID. He gave me a blank look and said, "I don't know what to do with this." I tried to explain that it was a special offer for this week only, and he said, "This bus doesn't go to any school, and school isn't in session at two in the morning." Like *I'm* the stupid one. Grr. I will write a cranky letter to NJ Transit. I know it's only $4, but I know I'm not wrong.

Everyone tell your local prayer group to force God/Zeus/whoever to keep my computer healthy. I'm scared to leave it on for very long. Normally, I'd keep it on overnight, but I might be too afraid to do that. But there's so much work to do! {fret, fret}

posted by Beth at 4:18:00 AM

Monday, September 06, 2004

Wee! It’s a week later, and I’m finally going to start my rundown of Monster Mania Con 2. This is really more for me to remember the convention, but I’ll use parentheses to explain who a lot of the people are to benefit y’all. Hell, I didn’t know who most of them were before I got there.

This thing is excruciatingly long, so be warned.

Before the convention, I found out that it costs $25 to get Robert Englund’s autograph. I’m new to convention etiquette, so that was a surprise for me. I decided that even though I have the love for him, I wouldn’t cough up the money, as I am poor. I also don’t know the rules well enough to know if I would have been allowed to, say, meet him and get a picture and not buy an autograph and have that cost no money, so I decided to give the whole thing up.

5pm - Nathan and I arrived at the convention and went straight to the screening for Halloween 2. Dick Warlock (Michael Myers, Halloween 2 and stuntman from a billion other movies) gave a fun intro and took questions before the movie. There weren’t many other people at the screening. I assume this is because the convention was only starting and a lot of people were either at the dealer tables or getting in the Robert Englund autograph line as early as they could. I liked Dick Warlock right away. He seems like he could be a friend of my Uncle Tommy’s or something. He talked about how he burned up his arms, during the scene where they lit him on fire and how he got to keep all of the Michael Myers clothing and props. He also talked about Donald Pleasance, who, to me, is as big a part of the Halloween franchise as Michael Myers. I’ve seen this movie before, and I own it, but after having heard the intro from Dick Warlock, my fondness for it has increased a bit.

About 7pm We then went and looked around at the dealer tables. Nothing caught my eye, but Nathan bought some weirdo Oz lunchbox. I thought about the autograph line and Robert Englund and decided that he is so awesome that I would definitely pay $25 to have him sign a picture for me. We got into that line sometime before eight o’clock. The line was very slow and long, and it was becoming apparent that I had no chance of getting in that day. Some people had time passes, so when it was eight o’clock, they could all move to the front of the line. I heard that they’d be giving out more time passes at about 10am the next day. I then realized that I wasn't going to get in anytime that weekend. We then left the line and sat down and waited until...

10pm - This was the screening for Freddy vs. Jason. Ken Kirzinger (Jason, Freddy vs. Jason) came in and did a very quick intro. All he basically said was that he auditioned for the part of stunt coordinator but was magically given the part of Jason Voorhees and that he was glad that this movie was so well loved. He said he first saw it at a screening with a thousand other people, and it got a great reception. And then he was gone. This was only my second time seeing this movie, and it’s still awesome, and hooray.

Midnight - I was really considering going home, but Nathan said we should stay and see the Rocky Horror Picture Show screening. I sort of disagreed, but in this case, I guess he knew what was best for me. {g} I’ve been a longtime fan of this movie, but I’d never seen it at a theater. So when we were all asked if there was anyone new to seeing it at a theater, I lied my ass off. {g} Before the movie started, they did a little preshow thing called Little Shop of Rocky Horror, where they lip-synched to a medley from Little Shop of Horrors. That was neat. I had a really good time at this one. I’d never really looked into the audience participation stuff before, so I found a lot of the lines hilarious (“I’ll get the Sarandon wrap!”). The whole thing was fun and Frank, Rocky, and Janet all ran down our row, which was fun for me for some reason.

The show didn’t finish until about 2:20am, and we got home almost an hour later.

I got very little sleep, because today was an early day. I wouldn’t have gotten any sleep at all, if we’d shown up at 10am for an autograph voucher, so I knew I wasn’t going to be meeting Robert Englund. It was incredibly crowded, when we got there, and the parking lot was more than full. People were inventing their own parking spaces and everything, so I jumped out of the car, while Nathan went in search of a parking space. He eventually found one several blocks down and on the opposite side of the road.

Noon - It was really important for me to get a seat for the noon screening of Candyman, because Tony Todd (the Candyman, Candyman) was doing the intro, which I’m sorry Nathan had to miss. Tony Todd was really fun and enthusiastic. First, he talked about how he finally moved back to NYC (because he can finally afford it again). He told us all to vote, and he said he’s supposed to be doing a fourth Candyman movie sometime this year (yay!) along with some other projects. He can also turn the Candyman voice on and off, which is totally neat. Then we watched the first Candyman, which is a fantastic movie. Nathan came in sometime around the opening credits, so I could stop worrying that he was dead and enjoy the movie. And I always love that movie.

2pm - We stayed in that room for the Women of Modern Horror panel discussion with Betsy Palmer (Mrs. Voorhees, Friday the 13th), Lisa Wilcox (Alice, Nightmare on Elm Street 4 and 5), and Danielle Harris (Jamie, Halloween 4 and 5). This turned out to be really interesting. Betsy Palmer talked enough that she could have done the whole thing on her own. She told us the backstory that she made up to explain Mrs. Voorhees, and that was really cool. She’s actually Miss or at least Ms. Voorhees, according to that story. Let’s see, what else was really cool from that discussion? Lisa Wilcox saying, “you are one major league hunk” and Danielle Harris talking about Donald Pleasance.

At about 3:20 we went to another room to get to the Nightmare on Elm Street screening super early, because Robert Englund was to be doing the intro. We ended up sitting through a Monsters of Rock panel discussion that had some dude from Blue Oyster Cult and some people from the Alice Cooper Band in it. I sort of fell asleep through part of it. I couldn’t help it.

4pm - A guy came in and told us that Robert Englund was too busy with autographs to set up the movie. Everyone booed, and I guess the guy was so afraid that he’d get ripped in half that he talked Robert Englund into changing his mind. So I was in the same room with Robert Englund and it was supermagicalawesome. He is probably the coolest person in the entire universe. He told us the coolest story I have ever heard in my life about how a scene was cut from the movie. During the part where Tina was being killed, they had gotten a crewmember’s wife to, I guess, be a stuntdouble. They put a camera between her legs and smeared fake blood all over her legs and had Freddy sort of crawl after her. This is around the part of the movie where she’s being dragged up the wall and onto the ceiling. So anyway, Freddy is crawling after Tina, and he goes to sort of blow her a kiss of death before he kills her, and there’s fake blood in between the blades of his glove. The thickening of the fake blood had made sort of a web. So when he goes to blow her a kiss, a blood bubble floated down. But for some dumbass reason, the censors wouldn’t allow them to keep that. I love that story. He also said that a few different cuts of the movie with alternate endings were floating around, and that while watching the movie, we should be thinking about precognition and premonition. After telling us this, it was really disappointing that we only watched the original version of the movie, but I should have known that we wouldn’t be seeing an alternate cut. I can’t even guess how many times I’ve seen this movie since being about six years old, but I love it so. It might rank as number one in my list of comfort movies.

Our next event wasn’t until 7 o’clock, so I think we mostly wasted time after Nightmare on Elm Street ended.

7pm - This was a Vincent Price tribute. We sat in the front row, but sort of off to the side for this one, which was really important, because two major important events were taking place in the same room after this one, and getting a good spot was important to me. Let’s see, who was at this thing? {checks program} Cortland Hull (was he the museum guy?), Caroline Munro, Hazel Court, and Roger Corman (I think). These people had all worked with Vincent Price in some way. I enjoyed this, because, although I’ve seen few of his movies, I’m a fan of Vincent Price. I mostly appreciate him from the old Hollywood Squares and other things here and there. They told a lot of nice stories about him and what a talented and charming dude he was.

8pm - We stayed in our seats for The Men Behind the Mask and Makeup panel discussion which featured Dick Warlock, Tony Todd, Gunnar Hansen (Leatherface, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), C.J. Graham (Jason, Friday the 13th 6) and Sid Haig (Captain Spalding, House of 1000 Corpses). This turned out to be really great. Sid Haig totally stole the show, though. He seems like a total maniac. I think he wasn’t even playing a part in House of 1000 Corpses. More funny and cool things were said in this discussion than I could keep track of. I’ll just pick out one thing per person. C.J. Graham didn’t say a lot, but I found out that he’s a manager of a casino in Vegas. Crazy. Dick Warlock talked about doing stunts for Jaws and almost getting his leg ripped off by the hydraulic shark. Tony Todd is still pissed about the 2000 election (who isn’t, though?). And Gunnar Hansen really made an impression on me. He told us that he thought the new Chainsaw was shit and why, and how they didn’t want him to say so on TV. He talked about how it was wrong to unmask and explain away Leatherface. I came into the convention not even knowing who he was and leaving thinking that he’s incredibly smart. Sid Haig was just a crazy guy and he said he could kick all of our asses and everything. He made a lot of jokes, and he is neat.

9pm - Then we stayed for The Mask and the Glove, a panel discussion with Robert Englund and Ken Kirzinger. Since we were in the front row, they escorted all of the speakers in, and they walked right past us. So Robert Englund walked right past me, and it was exciting, and I feel like I have been bless’d. I could listen to him tell stories for hours. He is the coolest person ever, I can’t stand it! {g} They talked for the whole hour and took questions from people. I learned that Kelly Rowland was extremely afraid of Jason. During the scene in Freddy vs Jason where she’s about to give him mouth-to-mouth, they never told her that he was going to spit out a mouthful of water, and it scared her so badly the first time that they couldn’t use the take. Ken Kirzinger is 6’ 5.5” in his bare feet; isn’t that interesting? Robert Englund talked about his upcoming TV show. He said it was a reality show, and I cringed, because I was afraid it would be like Fear Factor, but it actually sounds like it has a lot of potential. He visits people in their town who have nightmares, and they talk about it, and then they get the chance to go back to Hollywood and make a short film of that nightmare. It starts in January on CBS. I’m looking forward to it. Also, Freddy vs Jason 2 has gotten the greenlight, and he mentioned that some people are trying to make a tie-in movie for Halloween and Hellraiser (which strikes me as a weirdass combination) called Helloween. He said so many wonderful things. I wish I could remember them all. Then he and Ken walked past me (and the entire row, but screw them ;) on the way out, and I almost died from an overload of the warm fuzzies. {g}

about 10:10pm - Nathan and I walked the long walk down the road and across the street to the car. We had dinner at a Friendly’s, which was great, because we hadn’t eaten since before leaving the house that day. We moved the car back to the Hilton, where the parking situation was slightly better, and made it just in time for

Midnight - We went to a screening of The (original) Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Gunnar wasn’t originally scheduled to introduce the film, but he volunteered, because he probably felt left out. He said all of this great stuff about how difficult the shoots were. How hot the summer Texas weather was, and how that made it hard to work. The dinner scene took 26 straight hours to film, and the bloodbag on the knife kept getting clogged, so he got pissed, and actually cut the actress’s hand to get the scene over with. He also talked about how they went about filming the last scene where he hits his leg with the chainsaw. He’s so interesting. And the movie was great, but I already knew that. Oh man, I just remembered that he said his favorite kill was Franklin. That is so terrible. {g}

We got home an hour earlier Saturday night than we did the night before, so I got an extra hour or two of sleep.

I woke up feeling the beginnings of a cold. My throat really hurt, and I just felt sort of bleah, in general. Probably from so much running around and so little sleep and from being around hundreds of people. At least we got to park the car at the hotel this time. I’d been nervous about that. On Sunday, they were planning on having the Women of Modern Horror and the Men Behind the Mask and the Makeup discussion over again. My plans weren’t to come to them, because I’d already seen them, but I enjoyed the latter so much I wanted to go to it again. We came in at about 12:30, halfway through the Women of Modern Horror one. We actually walked in during Betsy Palmer’s retelling of Mrs. Voorhees’s story. This time Lisa Wilcox talked about how bizarre it was to be backstage with Robert Englund in full Freddy makeup and listen to him talk about retiling his bathroom. {g}

1pm - This version of the Men Behind the Mask and the Makeup was really cool, but not as fun as the first one. It seemed like everyone was more subdued, especially Sid Haig, probably because it was early. C.J. Graham talked more this time. He talked about how a maggot wrangler worked on the movie and how it was his job to put maggots over C.J.’s eyes and push them around with a q-tip until they were where they needed to be. Tony Todd also talked about how he had to work with a bee wrangler. Sid Haig said that they’d finished a sort of sequel to House of 1000 Corpses, which is about how the brother of the policeman in the first movie is chasing after the Firefly family and so they’re on the run across country. It sounds really interesting and should be out by February, hopefully.

2pm - Ack, I hate this. I wanted to go to the screening of Nightmare on Elm Street 4 with an intro from Lisa Wilcox. We got there at 2:02, and the movie’d already started, so we totally missed the intro. That was so disappointing. I wish they’d waited an extra five minutes. I’m not the only one who’d come from the discussion to hear Lisa Wilcox. Number four is my favorite Nightmare, so I stayed to watch it anyway. Toward the end, two of the dumbest people in the universe came in and sat right behind me and talked and said really dumb things. “I bet it’s Freddy... I knew it!” Okay, who the F Bomb else would it be in NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4? Good job. Jeez. Oh, and my favorite other thing was simply, “I don’t understand what’s going on.” I first saw this movie, when I was like eight years old. I had no idea it was that tricky.

4pm - The final event was Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare. Or we could have gone to the other room to watch The Raven, but you know me. And Nathan had never seen Freddy’s Dead. The kid who was running the projector asked if anyone knew him from last year. We didn’t, because we hardly did anything at the convention last year. He explained that he was in charge of showing Hellrasier, and he messed it up and showed the first scene in German. He really set himself up for trouble this year. We were supposed to be watching the version of Freddy’s Dead with the 3-D sequence at the end, which I had never seen in 3-D. So this year, the guy messed up again and didn’t show it in 3-D at all. The funny part was that I put my 3-D glasses on, and I didn’t realize I wasn’t watching the 3-D, and I kept thinking, “this 3-D sucks more than most 3-D!” {g} He eventually realized his error, and started the DVD over at the beginning of the scene with the 3-D sequence, and it was, well, slightly better. {g} It’s too bad that no one was there to give the film a proper intro.

And then the convention was over.

At the first Monster Mania Con, Nathan and I stayed for only about two hours, and all we did was shop. This time I stayed the entire time, went to a whole bunch of programs and barely shopped at all. This time was much better, and not just for me. The convention people got an enormous turnout, and I don’t think they were prepared for it. I lament that I didn’t get to meet Robert Englund, but I made a promise to myself that, if he comes next year, (and there will be two conventions next year), I will certainly buy a voucher in advance, so I can meet him with no waiting. I think the most important thing I got out of the convention was a respect for stuntpeople and a respect for the person who’s wearing a monster mask or makeup. I never would have cared about who was playing Jason or Michael Myers or Leatherface, but now I do see that it matters, and now it’s of interest to me. And I totally need to get the Chainsaw DVD and listen to Gunnar’s commentary as soon as I can. Yay Monster Mania. I had a really awesome time. Next May, they're having a Leatherface reunion. I can't wait!

Yikes, I typed this out in Word, and it’s five full pages. Eeshk.

posted by Beth at 1:22:00 AM

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Today was my first day of school. I am a student again, and although I haven't done any work yet, I think the transition is very easy for me. Before my classes, I went to see about getting work study, and they gave me a form to fill out. I can't wait until I can actually start doing the work study (Tuesday?) and the forms are all out of the way. Then I can buy and sell yo' ass. I think I get $7 an hour, maybe. And I want to work eight hours a week, if they agree to let me have that much time.

My first class was Business Perspectives. This class will be high in groupwork, and we're already in our groups for the rest of the semester. It's me and five or six other girls, who seem studious and with it. I do not worry. I can always tell a bad group right away, and this is a good group.

My next class, Principles of Accounting I, was in the same room, so I didn't have to move. That class seems like it'll be fine, too. It's a good thing I'm genuinely enthusiastic about accounting, because I'm hoping that'll keep it interesting for me. I think what Alyssa told me about accounting is exactly right--it's more about classifying. I already get that impression. Since I had about 20 minutes between classes, I took out my knitting. A few minutes later, a girl asked me what I was making, and I told her (I'm making a square to put together as a patchwork blanket for my Chocolates), and she said she could knit, too. I thought that was cool.

Tomorrow I need to bring my work study form to the financial aid office and then I have Statistics I and Computing Environments. I won't have my fifth class, Microeconomics, until the third week of school.

posted by Beth at 6:09:00 PM

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