Saturday, July 30, 2005
Now, I could have made this bigger, and therefore easier to see, but I didn't want the file to be too large. Forgiveness.
This should explain my title and everything!
See? SEE?!
(Sometimes the Rowan site goes down, so don't hassle me, if it doesn't show up.)
I finally have a picture, and it was one I took myself!
posted by Beth at 5:19:00 AM
"It's as Ann as the nose on plain's face."
Oh look what I saw on the geek culture community! Everyone who still has NES games or loves their NES should look into getting this. It's cheap—much cheaper and easier than looking for a still-working NES or a top loader—and it's even licensed by Nintendo. It's much smaller and easy to hook up. I'm going to buy myself one tonight.
Oh, so many things on my summer to-do list remain undone. I haven't studied for, much less taken, the GMAT. We'll blame my cousin Alyssa, because she never lent me the book. Yeah, okay, I haven't done much of anything, aside from work a couple days a week and watch movies. Okay, I'm saying it again, people should be Netflix friends with me! Do it. Do it.
Hrm, I always start these things intending to say something useful, and then I wreck it up. So hey, didn't David Wain look really cute, when he was riding the bike on the most recent Stella? {g}
-I really liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
-I really liked The Devil's Rejects.
-I really liked the new Harry Potter
-My financial aid is largely straightened out. I just need her to write the school a letter saying I have a plan, and I DO have a plain, mind you. I guess I should email her, since I have no clue if/when she comes in during the summer. Harrumph.
-My uncle left a message on our machine tonight saying my cousin is in the hospital, because they think he has meningitis. That scared the hell out of us all pretty well. Turns out that he has strep throat. I nearly feel like paying him a visit and smacking him up for making us freak out, and then having something non-lethal. :P
-This mp3 of "The Promise" by When In Rome might be my current favorite thing. It's all happy and good. Thinking of Napoleon Dynamite reminded me of it. I also got "Forever Young" by Alphaville because of thinking of Napoleon Dynamite and "Miserlou" because I saw Pulp Fiction recently. The second half of "Miserlou" totally sounds like Mega Man to me. Intriguing and difficult, as well as a little depressing. {g}
-Watching four episodes of Arrested Development tonight (thank you sarah, your reminders are definitely not lost on me!) reminded me of how many lines I love from that show. "The mere fact that you call making love 'Pop-Pop' shows that you aren't ready for it" and "I blue myself" to name a couple. And "Charlie Browns"!
-When I got my mp3 player two months ago, there was supposed to be a special deal where they'd eventually send me a $25 Amazon gift certificate, and I haven't gotten it yet. If I still don't have anything by Monday, I'm going to flip out big time at Amazon.
-All of a sudden I miss Wildwood and its boardwalk and walking at night. I bet if I went there, I'd want to strangle all the kids (it is Childwood, after all {g}), but at present I remain wistful. {g}
-This week, Nathan and I unintentionally came across a place with really really cheap pool. Only $1 a game, as opposed to the places that charge per person per hour. It was in an arcade where I guess the youth can safely hang out or something. When we got there, it was totally empty, and by the end of our second game of pool, there were some (scene?) kids there (Do they even have scene kids in South Jersey?), but the weird thing is that they were all sitting at the tables and talking. No one was playing at any of the other three pool tables or ten or so arcade games or at Pop-a-Shot or air hockey. Weeeeird. When we drove past and I saw the arcade sign, I went in there expecting to see Pac Man or Pole Position machines, or at least Street Fighter 2. Clearly, I live in a time warp. {g} But we must return often and at a time when there are few people there, so we can become billiard mastahs.
- While watching AD tonight, I finally continued knitting the obnoxious tube sock I've been working on. It takes forever. Double-pointed needles can be a real pain, and working with them cramps up my hands. Boo. I want to finish it up (and another one that matches, I guess), so that I can start my first sweater and a secret project for someone.
-Ouch, I just realized I never mentioned Nathan's and my anniversary, which was the 10th. It was a nice, although uneventful, day. I gave him some weird presents, and he gave me a pretty ring, two CDs, and pain-in-the-ass Zelda II for GBA.
"I have Pop-Pop in the attic."
posted by Beth at 4:09:00 AM
Monday, July 25, 2005
So last night, Nathan, Dorothea, and I saw The Devil's Rejects. I shan't write a review, but I'll say it was incredibly different from House of 1000 Corpses. A lot of people hated House of 1000 Corpses—I didn't, I liked it a whole lot—so I guess everybody should see this one. I really liked the reversal of good guys vs. bad guys, particularly in horror films, and I really liked that this was a road movie. I also think Sid Haig and Sheri Moon Zombie are great actors. I just wish it ended a little differently. Alas. Oh oh, but Brian Posehn was in it, and he was really funny!
I am no movie critic. {g}
posted by Beth at 8:16:00 PM
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Woosh! Today, Nathan, Dorothea, and I went to Penn's Landing for the free TMBG show. I liked the first opener, Time For Three. They were interesting and different, but I truly hated the next act, Adrian Belew. People might stab me in the face for this, but if you've heard one jam band, you've heard them all, I feel. So yeah, they sucked eggs, and then TMBG rocked all the eggs. It was the standard setlist, I guess, but it was cool to hear "Mammal" again and I'm not sure I ever heard "Snail Shell" live before. Even so, I had a really good time and was glad to be there. Flans set up "Birdhouse in Your Soul" as a dedication from the married men of TMBG to all the women or something like that. Hmm, what else? They were giving out free giant, orange foam hands, and Flans gave us ours, and that was neato for me. After the show, Nathan and I were gonna get Danny Weinkauf to sign something, because he was there doing that, but I had no sharpie on me. :p I'm probably leaving out a million details, but it was a great show, and I {heart} TMBG.
I brought my new digital camera. I wound up with only 15 pictures, but I'm pleased, especially since I never really got the chance to properly learn how to use it. My pictures are mainly stuff like this and this.
posted by Beth at 1:06:00 AM
Monday, July 18, 2005
Awww, man. I put a colored mousse on my hair. Truth be told, it was not recommended for my hair color, but I used it anyway. My hair turned out bright red, sort of orange. Think this, but shiny. Harry thinks it looks more like Wilma Flintstone, but I think it's closer to Pebbles's color. I think it rocks the house, but every single person seems to hate it. I came in to work today, and all I got was, "What did you do to your hair!?" followed by "as long as YOU like it..." It's such a drag. I think it's really bright, silky, and fun, and everyone else acts like I'm deranged, because I did something drastic, but temporary to my hair. How come no one but me likes it? And when I used the only color in the line that was recommended for me, no one even noticed. I've never ever done anything really different to my hair, and I've always hated it. Now I do something that I'm happy with, and everyone else thinks it's a mistake. :(
posted by Beth at 12:11:00 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005
I did a fun picture meme on my livejournal. Go see!
posted by Beth at 3:00:00 AM
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Reow. I remembered what I wanted to say in my last entry. It's not important or anything, but you know...
Exactly one week ago, I saw War of the Worlds with Dorothea and Eileen. It was absolutely no idea of my own, but I went along, just for the sake of visiting. I will admit that I was entertained. It's a summer popcorn movie or whatever you call it. Dakota Fanning was a terrible little bitch, and I wish she got all lasered in the face, but alas. That last sentence wouldn't count as a spoiler, right? I would keep reminding myself that Tom Cruise is psychotic, so that kind of added to the excitement. {g} Anyway, without saying much, the end was the bullshittiest ending I've seen possibly ever. Stinkin' Hollywood. {growl}
Oh man, I left out the very best part! The theater was totally packed, and at times there were people heckling or at least talking really loudly, and they said some of the most hilarious stuff ever. I'm tempted to explain it all, but you'd need to have seen the movie, and the being there part is equally important. Okay, well, one of the best things was at the very end, when this guy yelled, "This is STUPID!" it was just so well-timed and pretty much everyone was thinking it anyway. But yeah, that alone made it totally worth it. I should have found those guys afterward and begged them to let me watch movies with them. {g}
Speaking of Tom Cruise, I heard on the radio that Brooke Shields wrote an op-ed piece/reply to his crazy rants. How new is this? I must look for it and see what it says.
Oh ho, and I appreciate the input on the digital camera situation. So far I've been recommended a Sony, a Kodak, a Nikon, and a Fuji. I've been looking around a bit on Amazon for reviews, but Amazon is irritating me by doing that stupid "click for price" crap, so that it's a pain in the ass to find things that are within my range. Right now, I might be leaning toward a Kodak, just because my film camera is a Kodak, and it's been very good to me since my 18th birthday. I love my sweet APS camera.
posted by Beth at 12:13:00 AM
Friday, July 08, 2005
Hey everyone! I need help with something. (No one will help me.) I am looking to purchase a digital camera, and I know zero about digital cameras, or cameras in general, for that matter. So if anyone out there loved me, they'd recommend a camera—or at the very least a brand of camera—that's reliable and easy enough for a blockhead such as myself to use fairly well. I am looking to pay $200 +/- $15.
What else?
- I have eaten at Pizzeria Uno, and it is good. It's my first time with that, and I was pleased.
- I am still planning on or kidding myself that I will write about the MonsterMania Con I attended TWO MONTHS AGO. It's not like I think anyone is desperate to read it. I just want some kind of record of it before I forget everything.
- It is imperative that I learn to make animated gifs this weekend. I hope I am not too much of a blockhead for that.
- I think I will eat an ice pop.
- I think I wanted to say something else, but I have forgotten what it was.
- Netflix is the answer.
posted by Beth at 3:18:00 AM