Thursday, December 29, 2005
Woo. I am so bored that I'm actually posting something. Wee-oo.
No one remembers my last post, but I feel the need to follow up on a part of it. I mentioned a little something about going to a holiday dinner at the house of one of the people I do work study for. It turned out to be really nice and cozy. I was nervous about going, but I had a good time, and the food was really good. I'm very glad I went.
The semester is now over, obviously, and three out of five of my grades have been posted. This means that I am now halfway to my degree. Three semesters down and three to go.
I got an internship! It's at the place that was my first choice. It's a small place near home and school, and everyone is nice. I start next week, and I'll be working for ten hours each week, for now, anyway. I'm happy, excited, nervous, and eager about it.
I saw Chronicles of Narnia a couple weeks ago, and I think it was quite nicely done and faithful to the book.
I was touched and flattered last week, when I came in to do work study, and someone I work with gave me a very cool present. A Mega Man action figure. :) I must pick up a little something nice for him in New York this weekend, if possible.
Christmas and Christmas Eve were nice. Some things I got:
- Arrested Development Season 1
- Brady Bunch Seasons 2, 3, and 4 (apparently, my mom would have bought me the first season as well, but it wasn't in stock at the time)
- Michael Nesmith CDs (shut up, I asked for them specifically)
- a Perez Prado CD
- Triggers by April March
- Want Two by Rufus Wainwright
- new sheets, a comforter (in red paisley, I picked it out), and an electric blanket
- a Pac-Man ghost t-shirt, some tops, a skirt, a striped sweater, and two cardigans
- a KMart bear (I get one every year)
- a necklace and earrings
- Al Franken's new book
- a daily calendar with a knitting pattern for each day
- candy, cocoa mix, bath stuff, and other assorted things of interest
I gave my mom and Uncle John 256 Mb mp3 players, and it is my job to load them and explain how to use them. I've been putting things on my mom's since yesterday. As I write this, a Dean Martin CD is loading onto it verrrry slowly. So far, they seem like nice players, and I'm hoping they prove to be useful.
That sweater I've been knitting? So far, I've made the front and back and half of one sleeve. It's the putting it together part that I dread. I hate finishing.
I feel like I had more to say. Is this all? I always feel this way after writing something after a long period of not writing.
Ah-ha, one more thing. I got a cute Christmas card from Quinn today. Thank you! :)
posted by Beth at 1:08:00 AM
Saturday, December 10, 2005
This week is going to crush me under its weight.
But before I get into that, I want to mention that I had a good time at that thingy I talked about in my last post. The food was really great, the house was so nice and cozy with a fire place and everything, and I chatted a little with some nice people. Good job, me.
So anyway, I will give $20 (US) to anyone who wants to come here and keep me on track this week. I feel like a whiny, procrastinating crybaby, so I will throw together a list of things that are making me a whiny, procrastinating crybaby.
Yesterday: There was a snow day and no classes. While I appreciated the extra sleep, it was overall a bad thing. That day was supposed to be the last regular meeting for three of my classes. Two of which would have had information about what to study for the final. And for the third, Organizational Behavior, we were going to do an in-class final. Since there was no class, we were emailed an assignment to do and hand in this coming Wednesday. If there had been class, then that would be over and out of the way, but now I have that to work on and hand in Wednesday plus a small paper to work on and hand in Wednesday, and then there’s the group presentation for that class meeting on Wednesday. Bleh.
Monday: Cost accounting final exam
Tuesday: I offered to volunteer in Philadelphia from 10am to 1pm. After that, I will walk up to Broad Street and find a particular location, so that I know where it is for Friday. This also means that I will be outside freezing, so I will also be getting a cold on Tuesday.
Wednesday: Final exams in finance, Organizational Behavior, and Spanish. For OB, the “final” is actually a group presentation and I have those other two things to hand in that day.
Thursday: Another accounting final, and hopefully a vet appointment for David, if I can get one.
Friday: Internship interview in Philadelphia.
So what I’m saying is that I need someone to come and help me stay on track by making me study and work on the written assignments and to jab me with a fork, when I decide that I should be watching TV and knitting or spending too much time reading my LJ friends page. {cry}
posted by Beth at 11:30:00 PM
Friday, December 02, 2005
Oh, you know today started out pleasant and optimistic for me, before I began to lose faith in the world. No, it’s not over anything important. It’s just that I can’t believe that I met not one, not two, but three people who did not know what a pegasus was. Is that strange? Am I being a snobby jerkface, like I have a habit of unintentionally doing or what? You can tell me if I’m in the wrong for thinking people should know this. I am trying to be better about that kind of thing, really. But I always knew what a pegasus was. The reason was largely due to My Little Pony. You had the regular pony, the unicorn, and the pegasus. I used to wonder if they were divided into classes or were prejudiced or something. Not in those words, exactly, but y’all know the pegasus has the advantage, right? Anyway, pegasus: common knowledge or not?
I had a decent Thanksgiving, and I finally saw Harry Potter on that day. Heh, I also saw my accounting professor at the movies that day. He saw me first, actually. It was kind of amusing. Overall I really enjoyed Goblet of Fire, even though I had a few minor quibbles. My uncle hasn’t seen it yet, so I’ll probably see it with him in the coming weeks. I’d like to give it a closer look. I'd also like to see Rent, because I it was so very hyped (ten years ago), and I want to see what that was all about.
This week, I had another interview. It seemed to go well, except that I was nervous and clumsy at first and nearly missed the chair. Derr. After that, I’d like to think things picked up. I want this one more than the others. I hope I can get it. Hope for me, people! Hopehopehope.
There’s only one more regular week of classes before finals, and I’ll get to finish up super early this year. My last final will be done on the 15th. Yay!
On Sunday, all of the student workers, including myself, are invited to dinner at the house of one of the secretaries. I’m going, but I’m a little nervous. I know a couple very nice people, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t fear that I’d be all alone in the corner. I really hope that goes well.
This week, Nathan and I got from Netflix. This is an HBO documentary about Internet hate sites. It was crazyland how much this one guy reminded me/us of Tom Hanks. I’m no fan of the Hankster, but he’d better be more open-minded than that. We also watched Eraserhead, which at first really irritated me, but then I kind of got into it and enjoyed it.
And what better place to hide a secret than out in the open? I’m thinking of buying a small capacity mp3 player for my mom and Uncle John for Annual Gift-Giving Day. I’m very satisfied with my own mp3 player, but I paid a pretty good deal for it and I have a bunch of CDs. But I obviously can’t spend that kind of money on gifts for them, and they have zero CDs. I’m wondering if a 256Mb player with a radio tuner would be good for them or if it’s too small or what. Hmm.
For my Spanish I class, everyone had to do this little report/brochure and speech about the Spanish-speaking country of their choice. I chose Uruguay. I learned a little about it, and now I yearn to go there.
posted by Beth at 10:17:00 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
I rarely post these days. Anyone notice that? No? Aww. I mean to. Just as I always have, I think of things to say on here, but then I never get to it. I waste my time in other ways. I'm also thinking of abandoning my blog and posting only to my livejournal from now on. I'm not sure if I should go ahead with that, like so many others have. On the one hand, I feel a sense of loyalty to my blog; I've had it for, what five years now? But livejournal is convenient. Most convenient is the friends page, so I feel that if I'm to read the friends page, I should contribute to someone else's friends page. But since I update so rarely, I might as well just post to both. For now, at least.
My birthday was decent, yet wildly uneventful. I got some nice things and had some nice birthday dinners. I'm 26 now. That feels weird to me. Weird to say and weird to be. Am I an old lady now? I really hope not. Being in classes filled with 20-year olds isn't helping me to feel young, either. Time, subtle thief of youth.*
I'm all registered for the spring semester. I dearly hope I can get an internship for the spring. I hope like crazy that I can do that. So far, I've had two interviews, but I have yet to hear back from either one; they should have their decisions pretty soon. And I have another interview lined up for December 1st. Hopefully some more of the places I recently applied to will want to talk to me as well. Strangely, I felt very calm and relaxed during my interviews; the nerve-wracking part is waiting to hear from them and wondering whom I'm up against.
Speaking of nervousy feelings, last night, I had two bad dreams. "Nightmare" seems like too strong a word for them. In the first, I learned that my cat, Wally, has ADHD. We took him to the private school for little girls (like in that Madeleine cartoon) that was just down the road from my house. It was called Dorothy's Prep School for Little Girls or something like that. So my uncle and I took Wally there, because it was the closest place to home, and this mildly attractive guy dressed all in black looked over Wally and ran some tests on him. Even though he was something like a school psychologist for little girls, we thought he'd know what was wrong with Wally. So one of the tests involved holding Wally over a bunch of cards with words on them and having Wally point to the cards in a certain order. From this, he learned that Wally had ADHD, because a person with ADHD would say a sentence like, "I pledge allegiance to the flag," and think that they made that line up on their own, and a person without ADHD would know they were quoting something. I guess Wally pointed to the cards in an order that made up a quote, and the guy thought Wally was attempting to make up something original. So I was super concerned, because I thought Wally would forget who I was (Yes, people, I know ADHD is nothing like that), and I voiced my concerns with the guy who had nothing comforting to say. But in the dream Wally was the same as ever, and I thought there was something wrong with him only because I was told there was. I bet there's a message in that. {g} Gaw, I spent enough time writing that out. :p
The other bad dream had to do with me taking the CPA exam and not knowing any of the answers. Not only that, I and some people from my accounting classes were taking all four parts at once, and I thought I was awesome enough not to need to prepare. But when we gathered in my living room to take it, I didn't know very many of the answers at all. Many of them had to do with yarn and questions about knitting. I felt like I knew about the knitting, but none of the answers I came up with corresponded to any of the multiple choice questions. So after completing the first part, I went to my accounting professor who was the one giving the test, and I told him I couldn't finish the test and that I would study for it or take a CPA exam course and try again in the fall.
Huge personal achievement: last weekend, I finished knitting a pair of socks. They are very warm. I am wearing them right now. They were done in cheap yarn, but I am far from a yarn snob and were made in 3x3 spiral ribbing. I am pleased. My next project will be a simple sweater, but I need to buy yarn before I can begin.
I haven't seen Harry Potter yet, and I'm not sure which day I can do that. It all depends on whether I wait til Nathan can see it with me or whether I choose to see it right away with my uncle. Hm. :
*I won't lie to y'all. I heard that line on Frasier, during my Frasier-obsessed teen years.
posted by Beth at 7:19:00 PM
Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween!
Now go here, and see Dewey's super scary Halloween costume!
posted by Beth at 8:03:00 AM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
My waiter at Ruby Tuesday's tonight reminded me of Mo Rocca.
Since we had to wait before being seated we went to that gourmet store and bought pumpkin butter and pumpkin soup mix. The pumpkin butter is good but a little runny; I hope refrigerating it will thicken it up some. I'm very excited about the pumpkin soup. It's something I've wanted to try ever since I'd heard of it years ago.
Right, so here's a lovely link for you all. This guy plays videogame music on the piano. I haven't gotten to download very much of it yet, but it's realty cool (even if you don't like videogame music...?) and extremely impressive. I think the Zelda stuff is particularly amazing. There's also Final Fantasy stuff on there for you nerdfaces. I would love it if he'd do some of the themes from Metroid. I find the music from The Legend of Zelda and Metroid to be really intense and atmospheric. For Metroid, I'm talking about a scary atmosphere. {g}
Lemme just take a minute to whine about something here. My Organizational Behavior class is very groupwork-oriented (bleh). In this case, the groups were assigned, and we had to do an in-class assignment dealing with our plans for our big project and how we were going to work together, split up work, and deal with problems. One guy on my team is always grumbling about, "let's hurry this up and get out of here," the very second we move our seats closer together to work. Now, I used to be someone who was afraid to volunteer suggestions and stuff, but I'm getting better about it. However, having someone who keeps saying that in your group kind of makes you feel like maybe your suggestions are unwanted, because who cares about anything when there's a football game tonight? One of the things we had to do was make up a team name. Our team's name is OWEN. Why? I came up with it, because it's made up of the first initial of each out our last names. Honestly, it was a very safe suggestion. Actually, it was the only suggestion. But being put in a "let's hurry the hell up" climate made me not want to suggest what I desperately wanted to call our team. :( Things would be a million times more excellent, if we could have been called the Turbo Ninjas. {sigh}
(And don't y'all tell me that's inappropriate for a business class. One of the other teams is called Big Unit.)
Okay, so out of the two or three of you who read this, have any of you ever met cool people and you kinda wished you could hang out with them but you didn't know how to go about that? I will clarify, but I don't want to say too much, because I'm a paranouid/nervous egg and want to prevent googlings and such, nor do I want to do a locked LJ entry. So at school, I'm around these two people. For the most part, we all met at the same time, give or take, and we joke around and are relaxed around each other and it's a lot of fun. However, the two of them have taken to hanging out outside of school. I feel kind of left out that they started doing that and I don't get to, y'know? They, particularly the one, might well be the closest I've ever gotten to having a college friend (not that this person is even aware of that). I stink at making friends. I don't know how it's done. I envy people who can make friends easily, I really do. I bring this up, because on Friday, person A came in and talked to me and person B. Then person A asked person B if person B wanted to do anything later on in the evening. I felt a little sad and left out because I was not asked. Of course, even if I were, I would have had to way no, because I was going to see the New Pornographers that night. But I dunno. Maybe I should just, like, initiate it my own self, since they don't make me feel nervous. Maybe? Or maybe I shouldn't worry about it at all. Blar.
So the New Pornographers were pretty excellent. My feet hurt, and that was the opposite of excellent, but they put on a really good show. It helped me to decide that "The Bleeding Heart Show" is the best track off of Twin Cinema. I bought a shirt with a panda on it. After the show, Nathan very barely caught his train. I, on the other hand, had an hour-long wait to get my bus. There was a sushi and bar place next to the venue. I thought maybe I could get some sushi, so I went inside, but they weren't serving food anymore, just drinks. So I did something I've never done before. I went to the bar and had a drink by myself. I got a long island ice tea, which was a mistake. I'm really cheap, so I wasn't very happy about paying $7 for one small drink; and the drink was very good (and I very thirsty), so I finished it very quickly. In hindsight, I should have gotten a beer, because it would have taken longer to drink and cost me a lot less. It was kind of an odd experience for me. I really never go to bars (alas), much less go to them alone. It wasn't a bad experience, certainly, but I kept comparing myself to Norm from Cheers. I was sitting there at the corner seat of the bar, hunched over my (empty) drink; Norm was an accountant, at least for part of the series, and I am a potential accountant. Weird.
Uh, so anyway...
My dog's Halloween costume will scare the hell out of you all, so look for it at the end of the month, assuming I can have it finished in time.
Another thing that will scare the hell out of you all is the documentary entitled Hell House. Please watch it, if you can. A hell house, if you don't know, is basically a haunted house set up by a church. You purchase a ticket and walk through it. The difference is that hell houses are full of scenarios that are made to realize that you're a filthy sinner and are going to hell. Unless you change. The documentary was about a Texas church and the process of setting up the hell house, from the brainstorming session and auditions all the way up through the construction and execution of it. I found it very scary and offensive. I was stunned how backwards and (often hilariously) misinformed the people who make these things can be. Nathan and I watched it Thursday night, and I thought it was so nuts that I talked Dorothea into watching it with me on Friday night. It baffles me how these people are very much against bloody horror films (that I so love), because of the violent and evil ideas therein, but they can come up with these scenes about gang rape and such. Yikes. Did I mention that they're Pentecostals? 'Cause they are. Complete with speaking in tongues. Yikes.
Oh, I should get back to work, eh?
posted by Beth at 4:53:00 AM
Monday, October 10, 2005
In lieu of writing an entry with actual content, I'm just going to do that "google '(your name) needs' thing." I shall bold the ones I like.
1. beth needs a path.
2. Beth needs to get a life of her own and she needs to
stop trying to have Sheridans life
3. Beth needs your vote at!
4. Beth needs a first-floor bedroom because her stroke has caused ongoing vision and balance problems
5. Beth needs to realize that she has a problem. ... Beth needs to look within at
what she is believing about her weight, food, and exercise.
6. Beth needs to stop it already with the lies. ... I think Beth needs to get
7. Beth's needs and the cost was yet again out of my budget.
8. Beth needs a job. Beth needs to go back to school. Beth needs to get out of the
9. Beth needs information that flows from many sources.
10. Beth needs approval and lots of it
11. Beth needs a copy of Solomon installed on her Shands computer.
12. Beth needs prayer!
13. Beth needs to set aside money for taxes.
14. Beth needs to help her get the most out of high school.
15. Beth needs as well as the need for possible follow-up surgeries
16. As part of the admissions procedure, the de Paul's assessment team used specific
tests to determine whether de Paul was a good match for Beth's needs. (I did not search for "Beth's needs"!)
17. I think Beth needs to retract her statements about not traveling to Aruba
18. Beth needs to be home with me and we need to get our family back together.
19. Beth needs to come chill. Beth will probably not. I want to be Beth's Friend.
... Beth needs to be queen. Beth will always be awesome.
20. Beth needs Jed's assistance.
I finally tried one of those lattes at Wawa. I got a caramel latte, and it really wasn't to my liking. It had a funny aftertaste, and it felt like it left a waxy coat on my tongue or something. I will try a latte of a different flavor before I write them off.
Spider Solitaire keeps kicking me in the crotch (FIGURATIVELY!). I can't even win on medium!
posted by Beth at 10:01:00 PM
Monday, October 03, 2005
I'm updating (more like "reformatting") my resume, so that it can be critiqued as part of my finance class. It's a bummer, because it reminds me of how little work experience I've had for someone my age. I've been a student worker for the past year, but I feel like they (as in hiring people) might not want to count that as "real" experience.
For quite some time now, my monitor has been in the habit of getting really dim and then brightening back to normal. But now it's staying dim and hard to read for far longer. It's no real problem in that if it konks out, I can just use Nathan's old one. But I like mine. It's bigger, and it's the one I got, when I got my first ever computer in 1998. It's seventh birthday (I mean, since I bought it) is actually at the end of this week.
Oh yeah, said the Kool Aid Man, my real point with entry this was to talk about how I saw The Baxter this past Thursday. Nolan and I finished volunteering really early and we walked on over to the Ritz to see it. I expected to like it, and I really liked it. I mean, I didn't looooove it, but I definitely thought it was a sweet, cute movie. It was funny, but I probably laugh more and louder at one episode of Stella than I did at this entire movie. But that's okay, because it really isn't that kind of movie. Michael Showalter was really fantastic, and I liked that he was a CPA. :) And I really loved David Wain and his character.
When I came home that afternoon, I checked my email and found the newest edition of my school's schooly newspaper. I was surprised to see that someone from my school actually wrote a review of The Baxter. You may find it here. While I appreciate the overall positive rating, the article pisses me big time. Don't read it unless you have seen the movie or never will see it. It's spoilery. It contains some factual errors. The absolute hugest of which would be calling David Wain's character an "ugly nerd." omgwtfokasdnfpoije0d5jdf09wurO_O I mean WHAT? I should write a rebuttal called "Wain Sexy, Critics Jealous," but y'know... The writer seemed to be most interested in Michael Ian Black. Now, hey, I love Michael Ian Black, but that's so common. {g} I was elbowing Nathan, saying, "That's Joe Lo Truglio!" Also, in watching the movie, I most identified with the baxter(s) and felt like this was a movie made for baxters. So I find it quite baffling that the writer seems to think baxters are weird. And I'm not someone who would read the dictionary, but aside from that, I don't think there was anything particularly strange or wrong with Elliot. I would totally date Elliot. Meh. At least she liked the movie.
posted by Beth at 4:20:00 AM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Harry just came in here and said, "some of these are dirty. Marji printed them out at work," and I immediately saw that they were emails that I-don't-know-who sent her. And I pushed them back and said, "I don't wanna. I bet that's workplace humor, and they're tacked up to the corkboard, so everyone can see and go 'hahaha' in the middle of the workday." And he took them back and left. Mind you, I'm not anti-dirty jokes, but you know the kind of crappy jokes people love to pass 'round the office, right? They're basically just stupid, cheap "hunor," y'know? I've seen them before. So he went back to the kitchen growling about, "they're just jokes. No wonder you'll never fit in at work" and blah blah and how I have no sense of humor, because "they're just jokes." And something about that really hurt my feelings, so now I'm sitting here crying. I should have just taken the (almost certainly) retarded things and read them and grimaced, since that's what's expected of me.
My whole issue is that, just because something is a joke doesn't make it automatically funny. By the same token, not all comedies are funny. Not everything is good, because it has been made and is out there for people to see. I never liked it, when I found someone who thouht every movie/song/show was a good movie/song/show. I always thought knowing the difference between bad and good made a person smarter and made good things better by comparison.
Maybe they're the awesomest dirty workjokes ever (if such a thing exists), and I have too big of a stick up my ass to investigate, though, right? :P
posted by Beth at 9:56:00 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Hello. I am sick. I have a run-of-the-mill cold, and it started Thursday night, but I thinks it's starting to recede. Thank you 19 hours of sleep; I bet you were helpful!
I love my Nintendog as if he were a real doggie. He has helped me win some money, which I used to refurnish my house, and I will later use more to get him a new doggie friend. Most likely a huskey.
I just coughed so much that my entire body went into spasms. Crud.
I need to buy a nice suit one of these days. I can find a lot of nice suits, but I cannot find any that fit. Either I'm a little bigger, or tailored-fit things are a little smaller. I think it's some of both.
Tonight I was thinking of how I need to help my uncle get out and get some exercise. He's had diabetes for fifteen or so years now. His weight is going up, and his doctor gets mad at him for that, and he's always taking me to restaurants, and it always makes me feel bad. Tonight I told him not to drop dead, and he said he wouldn't, which I appreciate. So anyway, I would like for him to get some exercise, and I could more effectively nag him into it, if I participate as well. I said that we should take Dewey out for walks more often. That's something I'd like to do anyway, since it's Dewey's favorite thing. But there's always some kind of excuse: it's too hot, it's too cold, it's too dark out, there are too many ticks, there are too many mosquitos, etc. I'll have to nag harder. No, first I must actually start nagging, then I will nag harder. I don't much care if I get exercise, but I care that he does, so that'll have to be my motivator.
Right, so I started school on the second of this month, and so far so good. Since I don't feel like doing some work, I will share my fabulous schedule with you all.
6:30-9:00 - Cost Accounting - I haven't been to this class at all. The first meeting is tomorrow.
9:25-10:40 - Principles of Finance - So far, I gather that this class will be a lot of work, but I also think it'll be really useful in understanding financial accounting. And I'll learn a lot from it, because I know very little about finance. And for some "small world we live in"-stylve flava, guess what! It turns out that the professor is Leah's dad! Okay, so I've never met Leah. I'm fairly certain we've been at some of the same concerts, but I never "met" her. I got an idea of who she was from her postings on But how did I find this out? Based on a few things he said, I started to wonder. My curiosity got the best of me, so I asked him, and the truth blew my mind. {g}
10:50-12:05 - Intermediate Accounting I - This should be a good class. The professor is the same one I had last spring, and he knows me and we get along.
Then I have a break, which I fill up by doing some work. Work study work, not homework.
1:45-3:00 Organization Behavior. So far I'm not crazy over the class. Maybe because it's all about management, which I have no interest in. It doesn't seem especially difficult, and the teacher seems helpful, so maybe I'll like it.
Then I go and do some more work. I wish I had more time each week to get work done. I like doing my fair share in the office, and everyone is really nice. I got a lot done over the summer, so it's a shame that I won't get to be as helpful in the fall.
4:45-7:15 Spanish I - Hrm, having taken five years of Spanish, I don't think this should be so hard, but after spending so much time in school all day, and then having to attend a super long class makes me tired and disinterested. I think that might have been a major trigger in my catching a cold. I was wondering if I was making the right decision to minor in Spanish, but I guess it doesn't matter, because it's too late to drop now. I just hope future Wednesdays are less exhausting than this past Wednesday.
Friday is the same as Wednesday, minus the Spanish class.
Eck, I feel all clammy. Doing any kind of minor thing, while I have a cold tires me out, and then I sweat a little, and then I get clammy. Bleh.
I'm sure there's more I wanted to say, but I don't know what that would be. This entire year, I've been having recurring dreams where I'm doing improv with The State. Last night, I had one such dream, and then somehow Mr. Show got mixed in there. That was about a million times more exciting than the dream I had this week where I was eating by myself in a Friendly's and the service was really bad. {g}
Let me also reiterate that I love Netflix and everyone should be Netflix friends with me and Nathan.
posted by Beth at 11:34:00 PM
Hey, Kids in the Hall people! Please answer my question!
So I'm looking at Amazon, and it says that the release date for season three is October 25th. But then I look at the page for the set of seasons one, two, and three all together, and for that, it says the release date was August 22. So is that to say that I can get season three a month early, if I buy the three-pack or is it some kind of freaky mistake/lie?
Y'see, I don't own any of them, but the three-pack is comparatively very cheap at $84. I also have a $25 gift certificate from when I bought my mp3 player. The gift certificate expires at the end of this month, so I need to think of a way to spend it. Rather than maybe just buying one season, I might go ahead and get the three season set. Hmm, or maybe I should just wait for them to finish releasing the series, and then I could maybe buy that all at once at a cheap price...
I have other things to say. Maybe I will say them all soon. Maybe.
posted by Beth at 6:50:00 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
It's sarah's birthday! Happy birthday sarah! :D
Let's all share our Pop Secret with her.
posted by Beth at 5:07:00 PM
Monday, August 29, 2005
sarah did this, and it looked pretty cool.
Go to your music player of choice and put it all on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and after each one press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
What do you think of me, Winamp?
Spoon - "Metal Detektor"
...thanks, Winamp
Will I have a happy life?
Franz Ferdinand - "Darts of Pleasure"
I believe it.
What do my friends really think of me?
Ben Folds Five - "Song For the Dumped"
Oh. :(
Do people secretly lust after me?
Vanessa Carlton - "Pretty Baby"
Wow, thanks, friends.
P.S. Yes, it IS embarrassing that I have that. I downloaded it a couple years ago to irritate Nathan with, but it isn't the actual song. It's the chorus on loop. Not that that makes it okay. But downloading something to harrass someone is okay.
How can I make myself happy?
Tori Amos - "Carnival"
Carnivals DO make me happy.
What should I do with my life?
a midi theme of the videogame Kid Icarus
Which is kind of funny, becuase I was thinking I might play that later, and I can pretty much play that game forever. But I don't know that that's a good plan.
Why must life be so full of pain?
Apples in Stereo - "Dots 1-2-3"
How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
They Might Be Giants - "Stormy Pinkness"
Can you give me some advice?
Tori Amos - "Bells For Her" [Live]
What do you think happiness is?
theme from the film Candyman
Wow, that was a lot of fun for me. {g}
posted by Beth at 2:24:00 AM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
This weekend, I went to MonsterMania 4. I should really write up how I felt about it, much like I should write up how I felt about MMCon3. In short, I had a good time. I watched only one movie this time, as opposed to when I'd watch a handful at the con, but there was much less of a need, since they showed seven of the Halloween movies. At least show Halloween 3 for the sake of completeness, ya jerks. I'm still kind of really impressed that Wes Craven was there. Even though I question a lot of his work, but I mean, he's a really famous director...
More on that later, I hope. If I can ever write about MMCon 3, that would also be nice. :p
Hwuh, what else? Well, one night this past week, Nathan, Chocolates, and I went to the dog park with Patti and her dog Jess. That was really fun for me and Dewis. Later that night, Nathan and I had dinner with Alyssa, which also was cooltown. On Thursday, Nathan and I went to Great Adventure, but that was kind of less cooltown for me. The weather was better than I'm used to, but the lines were worse than I'm used to. The highlight of my trip was riding the cable cars, which they rarely ever run.
First day of classes is Friday, but one of them is canceled, so that leaves two for me to go to: Intermediate Accounting I and Principles of Finance. I'm supposed to come in and work some on Tuesday, which I always like to do. I think it'll be less fun, once school starts, and it gets crowded and more people are working there and coming in and out. Also, I have mixed feelings about class starting, but overall, I'm looking forward (or else I would not be there). And everyone should sprinkle luck all over me, so that I can get myself an internship, when I start looking. Oh oh, one guy that I work with asked me to knit him something, so I made him a little wristband out of the baby yarn I had left, and he liked it. Then one of the secretaries saw it, and now she wants me to knit her a scrunchie. I feel honored that they'd want me to do something like that for them. I hope I can pick up some yarn for that soon.
posted by Beth at 10:58:00 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
I saw Tori Amos play tonight. It was a better than average setlist. It was cooltown to hear Mr. Zebra and Leather, and she played Tiny Dancer (for me, I guess) and Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I rather liked the opener, but their CD was too much money.
It looks like I'll be spending between $800 and $850 on textbooks this semester. {sigh} But I'm hoping I can reuse at least two for future semesters. School starts on the first, but I don't have class that day, so my first day is really sarah's birthday.
I have a great big crush on David Wain. What am I to do about that? I didn't have one twelve years ago, and now I do. Hmph.
posted by Beth at 2:06:00 AM
Friday, August 05, 2005
"Maybe... I'll put it in her brownie"
Hahahahahaha... "Afternoon Delight," that's too much. I love Arrested Development too much.
Oi, so today, there were really bad thunderstorms. No rain here *of course* but I went with my mom and uncle to the bank and other places. As they were processing my uncle's stuff at the bank, the power went out, so we had to wait for everything to come back on, so they could redo whatever it was that he wanted them to do. Then we waited in the car, while my mom went to the damn dollar store. Did I ever say how much I hate the dollar store? I hate it as much as my mom loves it. That's how much I hate it. We ate at McDonalds, and the power went out for good after we got our food, but in between getting drinks. I got mine, but they didn't get theirs. Did you know that when the power goes out at McDonalds, they have to lock the doors? It's true. So we ate, but they had to go without drinks, and I without refills and a sundae. On our way out, they gave my mom three bottles of water. We were also supposed to go to the grocery store, but everyplace in the area had no power for I don't know how long. There were police directing traffic at every light. At least we never lost power at home.
Nintendogs looks like the cutest game in the entire universe forever. Look at the screenshots. Look at them! I'm going to have to preorder it, I guess, so that I'm sure to get it. I shall, of course, get Dachshund & Friends, and then I will probably cry due to the overwhelming cuteness. {g}
Pet peeve #510: Do you know how many people can't pronounce "Dachshund?" I was looking at the Nintendogs board on gamefaqs last night, and there was a thread asking how to pronounce it, and the majority of people call them "dash hounds" or "dutch hounds"! dkhnfoasdihtoiasdnfioasdht It is "docksund" or "docksun"!
Thing #5594 that makes me super angry: When I was in second grade, we had to write about pets or animals or some crap. I wanted to say we had a dachshund named Binky. I asked my second grade teacher (who was a bitch anyway) how to spell dachshund. She said, "sound it out." I said, "D-O-X-U-N-D?" She said, "look it up." I never found it in the dictionary, obviously. What the fuck? She could have said she didn't know how to spell it, if that were the case, and if she did know how to spell it, then she could have told me it was a difficult German word and told me how to spell that. She was terrible. For many reasons.
That War At Home show looks dreadful.
Ugh. So tonight, I was finally going to take the necessary steps to canceling AOL. I'd made plans to use Snip as our next dial-up ISP. If we were to pay for six-months at a time, it would cost about $18 a month, cheaper than AOL. So I just called up the AOL to find out when our billing cycle ends and to let them know that we're done with it after that. Then the guy sees that we've had AOL for seven years, and he proposes this offer that if we keep AOL, we pay only $15 a month from now on. I said I'd need to think about it, so he set it up for the following billing cycle. If we cancel by sarah's birthday, then that's it for AOL. If we stay on, it will cost $15 a month forever and ever. If we let it go to the new lower price, but cancel within 12 months, we have to pay a $25 early cancellation fee.
So I don't know what to do now. :( I was really excited about cutting AOL loose. I wanted to be the one to do it. I hate how AOL takes longer than ever to connect and connects at lower speeds than it used to. I hate how I can't quote emails in the old fashioned way with the angle bracket (but even if I had Snip, I'd still want to use Gmail forever, so should I even care about email quoting anymore?) I hate how AOL has too many bells and whistles, and I hate that it disconnects abruptly and without warning kind of often.
But this new AOL will be only $15 per month, instead of what we were paying, $22 per month. And that's also less than the $18 per month we were going to go with for Snip. And AOL is my first and only ever ISP. I need guidance! Help ol' Beth.
Ah, but one thing I will say is that if you've been using AOL dial-up for a number of years, I suggest that you call and feign canceling, to see if they'll give you a sweet deal. That may also work for the AOL hi-speed, but I don't have that, so I cannot say.
I wonder if beer and soda would taste like crap, if I mixed them together. Probably... :\
posted by Beth at 9:26:00 PM
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Now, I could have made this bigger, and therefore easier to see, but I didn't want the file to be too large. Forgiveness.
This should explain my title and everything!
See? SEE?!
(Sometimes the Rowan site goes down, so don't hassle me, if it doesn't show up.)
I finally have a picture, and it was one I took myself!
posted by Beth at 5:19:00 AM
"It's as Ann as the nose on plain's face."
Oh look what I saw on the geek culture community! Everyone who still has NES games or loves their NES should look into getting this. It's cheap—much cheaper and easier than looking for a still-working NES or a top loader—and it's even licensed by Nintendo. It's much smaller and easy to hook up. I'm going to buy myself one tonight.
Oh, so many things on my summer to-do list remain undone. I haven't studied for, much less taken, the GMAT. We'll blame my cousin Alyssa, because she never lent me the book. Yeah, okay, I haven't done much of anything, aside from work a couple days a week and watch movies. Okay, I'm saying it again, people should be Netflix friends with me! Do it. Do it.
Hrm, I always start these things intending to say something useful, and then I wreck it up. So hey, didn't David Wain look really cute, when he was riding the bike on the most recent Stella? {g}
-I really liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
-I really liked The Devil's Rejects.
-I really liked the new Harry Potter
-My financial aid is largely straightened out. I just need her to write the school a letter saying I have a plan, and I DO have a plain, mind you. I guess I should email her, since I have no clue if/when she comes in during the summer. Harrumph.
-My uncle left a message on our machine tonight saying my cousin is in the hospital, because they think he has meningitis. That scared the hell out of us all pretty well. Turns out that he has strep throat. I nearly feel like paying him a visit and smacking him up for making us freak out, and then having something non-lethal. :P
-This mp3 of "The Promise" by When In Rome might be my current favorite thing. It's all happy and good. Thinking of Napoleon Dynamite reminded me of it. I also got "Forever Young" by Alphaville because of thinking of Napoleon Dynamite and "Miserlou" because I saw Pulp Fiction recently. The second half of "Miserlou" totally sounds like Mega Man to me. Intriguing and difficult, as well as a little depressing. {g}
-Watching four episodes of Arrested Development tonight (thank you sarah, your reminders are definitely not lost on me!) reminded me of how many lines I love from that show. "The mere fact that you call making love 'Pop-Pop' shows that you aren't ready for it" and "I blue myself" to name a couple. And "Charlie Browns"!
-When I got my mp3 player two months ago, there was supposed to be a special deal where they'd eventually send me a $25 Amazon gift certificate, and I haven't gotten it yet. If I still don't have anything by Monday, I'm going to flip out big time at Amazon.
-All of a sudden I miss Wildwood and its boardwalk and walking at night. I bet if I went there, I'd want to strangle all the kids (it is Childwood, after all {g}), but at present I remain wistful. {g}
-This week, Nathan and I unintentionally came across a place with really really cheap pool. Only $1 a game, as opposed to the places that charge per person per hour. It was in an arcade where I guess the youth can safely hang out or something. When we got there, it was totally empty, and by the end of our second game of pool, there were some (scene?) kids there (Do they even have scene kids in South Jersey?), but the weird thing is that they were all sitting at the tables and talking. No one was playing at any of the other three pool tables or ten or so arcade games or at Pop-a-Shot or air hockey. Weeeeird. When we drove past and I saw the arcade sign, I went in there expecting to see Pac Man or Pole Position machines, or at least Street Fighter 2. Clearly, I live in a time warp. {g} But we must return often and at a time when there are few people there, so we can become billiard mastahs.
- While watching AD tonight, I finally continued knitting the obnoxious tube sock I've been working on. It takes forever. Double-pointed needles can be a real pain, and working with them cramps up my hands. Boo. I want to finish it up (and another one that matches, I guess), so that I can start my first sweater and a secret project for someone.
-Ouch, I just realized I never mentioned Nathan's and my anniversary, which was the 10th. It was a nice, although uneventful, day. I gave him some weird presents, and he gave me a pretty ring, two CDs, and pain-in-the-ass Zelda II for GBA.
"I have Pop-Pop in the attic."
posted by Beth at 4:09:00 AM
Monday, July 25, 2005
So last night, Nathan, Dorothea, and I saw The Devil's Rejects. I shan't write a review, but I'll say it was incredibly different from House of 1000 Corpses. A lot of people hated House of 1000 Corpses—I didn't, I liked it a whole lot—so I guess everybody should see this one. I really liked the reversal of good guys vs. bad guys, particularly in horror films, and I really liked that this was a road movie. I also think Sid Haig and Sheri Moon Zombie are great actors. I just wish it ended a little differently. Alas. Oh oh, but Brian Posehn was in it, and he was really funny!
I am no movie critic. {g}
posted by Beth at 8:16:00 PM
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Woosh! Today, Nathan, Dorothea, and I went to Penn's Landing for the free TMBG show. I liked the first opener, Time For Three. They were interesting and different, but I truly hated the next act, Adrian Belew. People might stab me in the face for this, but if you've heard one jam band, you've heard them all, I feel. So yeah, they sucked eggs, and then TMBG rocked all the eggs. It was the standard setlist, I guess, but it was cool to hear "Mammal" again and I'm not sure I ever heard "Snail Shell" live before. Even so, I had a really good time and was glad to be there. Flans set up "Birdhouse in Your Soul" as a dedication from the married men of TMBG to all the women or something like that. Hmm, what else? They were giving out free giant, orange foam hands, and Flans gave us ours, and that was neato for me. After the show, Nathan and I were gonna get Danny Weinkauf to sign something, because he was there doing that, but I had no sharpie on me. :p I'm probably leaving out a million details, but it was a great show, and I {heart} TMBG.
I brought my new digital camera. I wound up with only 15 pictures, but I'm pleased, especially since I never really got the chance to properly learn how to use it. My pictures are mainly stuff like this and this.
posted by Beth at 1:06:00 AM
Monday, July 18, 2005
Awww, man. I put a colored mousse on my hair. Truth be told, it was not recommended for my hair color, but I used it anyway. My hair turned out bright red, sort of orange. Think this, but shiny. Harry thinks it looks more like Wilma Flintstone, but I think it's closer to Pebbles's color. I think it rocks the house, but every single person seems to hate it. I came in to work today, and all I got was, "What did you do to your hair!?" followed by "as long as YOU like it..." It's such a drag. I think it's really bright, silky, and fun, and everyone else acts like I'm deranged, because I did something drastic, but temporary to my hair. How come no one but me likes it? And when I used the only color in the line that was recommended for me, no one even noticed. I've never ever done anything really different to my hair, and I've always hated it. Now I do something that I'm happy with, and everyone else thinks it's a mistake. :(
posted by Beth at 12:11:00 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005
I did a fun picture meme on my livejournal. Go see!
posted by Beth at 3:00:00 AM
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Reow. I remembered what I wanted to say in my last entry. It's not important or anything, but you know...
Exactly one week ago, I saw War of the Worlds with Dorothea and Eileen. It was absolutely no idea of my own, but I went along, just for the sake of visiting. I will admit that I was entertained. It's a summer popcorn movie or whatever you call it. Dakota Fanning was a terrible little bitch, and I wish she got all lasered in the face, but alas. That last sentence wouldn't count as a spoiler, right? I would keep reminding myself that Tom Cruise is psychotic, so that kind of added to the excitement. {g} Anyway, without saying much, the end was the bullshittiest ending I've seen possibly ever. Stinkin' Hollywood. {growl}
Oh man, I left out the very best part! The theater was totally packed, and at times there were people heckling or at least talking really loudly, and they said some of the most hilarious stuff ever. I'm tempted to explain it all, but you'd need to have seen the movie, and the being there part is equally important. Okay, well, one of the best things was at the very end, when this guy yelled, "This is STUPID!" it was just so well-timed and pretty much everyone was thinking it anyway. But yeah, that alone made it totally worth it. I should have found those guys afterward and begged them to let me watch movies with them. {g}
Speaking of Tom Cruise, I heard on the radio that Brooke Shields wrote an op-ed piece/reply to his crazy rants. How new is this? I must look for it and see what it says.
Oh ho, and I appreciate the input on the digital camera situation. So far I've been recommended a Sony, a Kodak, a Nikon, and a Fuji. I've been looking around a bit on Amazon for reviews, but Amazon is irritating me by doing that stupid "click for price" crap, so that it's a pain in the ass to find things that are within my range. Right now, I might be leaning toward a Kodak, just because my film camera is a Kodak, and it's been very good to me since my 18th birthday. I love my sweet APS camera.
posted by Beth at 12:13:00 AM
Friday, July 08, 2005
Hey everyone! I need help with something. (No one will help me.) I am looking to purchase a digital camera, and I know zero about digital cameras, or cameras in general, for that matter. So if anyone out there loved me, they'd recommend a camera—or at the very least a brand of camera—that's reliable and easy enough for a blockhead such as myself to use fairly well. I am looking to pay $200 +/- $15.
What else?
- I have eaten at Pizzeria Uno, and it is good. It's my first time with that, and I was pleased.
- I am still planning on or kidding myself that I will write about the MonsterMania Con I attended TWO MONTHS AGO. It's not like I think anyone is desperate to read it. I just want some kind of record of it before I forget everything.
- It is imperative that I learn to make animated gifs this weekend. I hope I am not too much of a blockhead for that.
- I think I will eat an ice pop.
- I think I wanted to say something else, but I have forgotten what it was.
- Netflix is the answer.
posted by Beth at 3:18:00 AM
Friday, June 24, 2005
For some reason, a memory popped into my head of these commercials for this little babydoll called Tattoodles. Does anyone remember this? She's the baby that you can put tattoos on, or you can stick them to yourself. In the commercial, they even had tattoos *on her face.* Weird. I wanted to find an article or picture, and I found this, which is even better, becuase it talks about a couple of other bizarre dolls.
Oh, and you guys all know that season one of Pete and Pete is out on DVD now, right? And it's cheap on Amazon, too!
posted by Beth at 2:34:00 AM
Thursday, June 23, 2005
*I* heard that Oprah got snubbed, because she attempted to go shopping in a store that had closed fifteen minutes prior to her arrival. I really hate her.
I'm still loading up my mp3 player. Connecting it to the computer wears down the battery very quickly. I'm lucky if I can get fifteen CDs on there, before I have to stop and recharge.
I still don't know what's going to happen with my financial aid. {growl}
No one believes it at this point, but I still mean to write about MonsterMania, which happened a whole month ago. But for now I will write of something else (and I'm too lazy for links)...
On Monday, Nathan and I went up to Jersey City to visit erin for the first time in over a year. While there, I got to see the new apartment that belongs to people, which was very nice. I also met three cute cats. Then we went into NYC and I had Thai food for the first time ever. I ordered duck, and it was really, really good, as were the spring rolls that we had as an appetizer (but I don't think I've ever had a spring roll that I didn't like). My uncle tells me that there's a Thai restaurant near the Echelon Mall, so I think I should look into that maybe this weekend. We also went to Books of Wonder where I got a pretty cupcake that got ugly by the end of the day. We had dessert at an Italian bakery-type place, and I had excellent chocolate mousse cake, and then we went to Toy Tokyo, where I bought some little Super Mario Bros. magnets. Today I brought them into work and showed Dan, and he seemed quite impressed with them. I told him that if and when I get back there, I'll buy him one. The last thing we did in the city was visit Jordan at the bookstore where he works. Jordan rocks, I can't even explain how much. He's a good egg. Then we went back to the apartment, or Penthouse, if you will, for awhile and chilled with Tavie. I never see Tavie, but I like her a whole lot. We should be good friends or something. I had such a good time just sitting around and talking to people. The trip was really good for me on so many levels. I wish I got to see everybody more often. Oh, and that day was June 20th, which is a pretty important day for me. On that day in 1999, I went to NYC for the free TMBG concert in Central Park. It was my first time going to the city alone, and it was also my first time meeting sarah, who was the one who showed me a whole lot of kindness by inviting me to meet up there. I also met her mom and sister, erin, Tavie, Jordan, Matt, and Jordan's friend Daniel (but I think at least half them didn't know who I was at the time {g}). But anyway, that day is the day that I met some of my most favorite people ever, so there ya go. {g} I really mean it!
posted by Beth at 8:07:00 PM
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Oh man, I was just watching the Daily Show and Ed Helms was in Cape May reporting about the lift of the ban on speedos. I had actually heard about that a week or so ago from the local news. Anyway, it was just exciting to see him in South Jersey. He also mentioned Atlantic City and Wildwood. Yay, South Jersey!
posted by Beth at 11:59:00 PM
Maybe I should mention that I got my replacement mp3 player six days after the first one broke. So far so good, but I remain nervous. I'm still loading it up. It takes forever, because the battery runs down super fast, when connected to the computer. The one time I tried plugging it in while connected to the computer, it froze, so I'm not going to try again out of fear.
I still haven't written my account of MonsterMania 3. I smell. By the time I attempt to do so, I won't remember any of it.
Haha, oh boy, guess what crappy thing happened to me on Tuesday! Well, I went to work and that was fine. I like work, and that's great. While there, I looked through a booklet listing all of the available minors and their requirements. On my first go through undergrad school, I minored in psychology, and I liked it. Since coming back last year, I'd been thinking of doing a minor alongside getting this degree, and looking through the book, I thought maybe Spanish would be a good bet. It's only 18 credits or six classes, and I remember a fair amount from middle and high school Spanish so that I should be able to coast through the early classes without any problem. I talked to an advisor, the business advisor, and asked her if she thought it was wise, and she said it was. So I felt happy about it.
Wait, that's not the crappy part! I got home and got my letter from financial aid. I was glad, because I need to know my loan and work study situation for the upcoming year. I opened it up and it said that I was denied financial aid, because I didn't meet their requirements. What the hell? Actually it turns out that I was denied for having too many credits. The cutoff was 171, and I now have 181. (Yes, I know. I spend too much time in school.) The letter said I could fill out the attached form and appeal their decision. Except that I didn't get the attached form. What I got was someone else's letter. Poor girl. Lucky for her I'm not an identity-stealing thief, as her SSN is on the letter, but I glanced at it, and she's denied aid, too. She has too few credits. Ugh. Let's just cancel each other out, okay?
Yesterday, I went to school for work, and while there, I showed the assistant dean my letter. She'd never heard of that situation before, and she said I should appeal it. I intended to do so anyway. I also showed it to the nice secretary and she, too, said I should fight it. Of course, I have to fight it. They closed the office early, at 3:45 so I rushed off to the financial aid office. The school site said the office would close at 4:30. I got there and showed the lady at the window both letters. She took the other girl's letter and didn't say anything about it. She also took mine and went into the back. She came out and talked to someone else for about three minutes, while I sat there and waited. I couldn't hear what they were saying, and it made me nervous. She then gave me an appeal form and said I could fill it out right then and there. I went to the waiting area, and filled it out. It was really short, and really, really unrelated to my situation. It just asked personal information and then it had multiple choice answers for my circumstances and my plan of action to correct things. The circumstances were totally irrelevant, because every last one of them dealt with not having enough credits. The options were stuff like changing majors, illness, or death in the family. There wasn't even an other, so I left it blank. The other question had to do with how I was going to fix things (what am I going to do, take credits away?), and the options were stuff like taking summer courses and meeting with my advisor to make a plan. I chose other, and I always meet with my advisor, and I have a plan. I know I'm going to finish the degree in May '07. Feh.
The form also said I needed to submit I typed letter of appeal. At that point, I still thought that the office was closing at 4:30, and I knew I wouldn't be in the next day, so I was in a huge hurry. I ran to another building and up to the computer lab to frantically type up a letter. I wrote about a page in fifteen minutes, explaining my situation. Adding that I only get loans and work study. The loans get paid back, and the work study I must earn hour by hour, so I don't see how it's a loss to them. I also explained how many more credits I needed and when I intend to finish up the degree. I didn't have time to proofread it, so I'm sure it's fraught with errors. Maybe they'll read it and think I'm a moron, and deny me the money for that reason. :P Then I ran back to financial aid and handed it in at about 4:33, and they weren't close to being closed, so I hurried for nothing. Grr. The lady at the window was nice, and she didn't sound concerned at all. The impression she gave was that it was just a question of them having no idea of how long I intended to stay in school and how many credits I need. Of course, she never told me not to worry about it, but she also never gave me the impression that I should worry. Now all I can do is wait for them to review it. Now, I know I could always get non-government loans. That probably wouldn't be terribly hard. A lot of people do that. But I prefer that all my loans come from the same place. I'm also worried about losing my work study. I'd really hate for that to happen. It's pocket money, it's work experience, everyone is really nice, I think it's good for my anxiety. I'd miss everyone, and I feel like I'm helping them out and they're helping me out. Fleh. Pray to both Jesus and Baby Jesus for me.
Last night, I watched Napoleon Dynamite, and I thought it was just totally awesome, funny, and happy. I don't know what Nathan's problem is. I really love the Netflix, though. Next up, I have A Dirty Shame and Se7en waiting for me.
Oh man, I totally left out something important from yesterday. On my way in from dropping off my appeal, I ran into my clarinet teacher. Actually, I was in a huge hurry, and she saw me first, so I dropped my letter off and ran back to her. We chatted for a couple minutes. I hadn't seen her in two years, when she moved out of her apartment and into a new house that was a little farther away. I asked her how things were going and she said they were good. She asked about my family and about Nathan, and I said things were good and next month is mine and Nathan's fifth anniversary. Then I told her how I'm back in school. She was in graduate classes, and she needed only one more class to be finished, but it was canceled for the summer. On our way out of the building, I realized that she's pregnant and due next month with a baby girl. I told her I'd email her, so I need to do that soon.
I'm having one of thosemomentsevenings where I put something down for a second and can't find it at all. It probably won't turn up for months. :P
posted by Beth at 8:17:00 PM
Saturday, June 04, 2005
1. I am extremely thankful that I got to do work study until the end of May. And they were so nice and prompt at getting back to me that I got more funds that I can earn until the end of June. After that, I could possibly work there through to the end of summer, and I'll definitely be working there once school starts in fall. I'm really appreciative that they want and value my help. It even makes up for the Awfulness that occurred last year.
2. MonsterMania happened two whole weeks ago, and I've yet to write about it. I will do so later. It was awesome.
3. Anyone else out there who subscribes to Netflix should totally be Netflix friends with me and Nolan. It will be fun! Two of y'all rock enough to have already done so.
4. My hair has been dyed a very slightly different color and is a little past my shoulders. First time ever dying and first time in many years that it's this short. Go me.
5. This past Thursday, I totally passed right out at the doctor's office during an unplanned blood extraction session (BES). This was my third time ever passing out, and my least favorite to be sure.
6. Yesterday, my fancy 60Gb mp3 player arrived. I began loading CDs onto it, and that same night, something went wrong somewhere. I would plug my USB cable into it, but the player and my computer wouldn't acknowledge that they were connected. I didn't get the connection screen on the mp3 player, and my computer listed the device as being hooked up to the USB port, yet said it was disconnected. I reinstalled everything three times and that didn't help. Today I called the tech support guy and he gave me a number of nice things to try, and none of them helped. I came home and decided I'd try a system restore just for the hell of it. It worked, and they were connected. But somehow in the process of trying all kinds of things, the mp3 player got stuck (not frozen, but stuck) on the restore menu, meaning that it wouldn't go back to the main menu, and, therefore I couldn't listen to any of the songs that I'd now be able to put on. In fixing one problem, another was created. I'll have to have amazon do an exchange. I really wanted to have it for my busrides to and from Philadelphia on Tuesday. {sigh}
7. It was close to this day, when Gypsy died last year and when Sam died three years ago. I miss them both so much.
posted by Beth at 2:25:00 AM
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Normally I do these things reverse chronologically, but this time the most important thing goes first.
The other night, I spent a whole lot of time clicking from this to that on the IMDb, and one of the movies I came across was Requiem For a Dream. I read a bunch of the reviews and messageboard topics, and it left me wanting to see it so much that I got Nathan to sign up for Netflix right away. We watched it Tuesday night. I think it was a beautifully shot film. It also had a lot of fast cuts and split screens, which I always go in for. Aside from that, I think it was the most powerful movie I've ever seen in my life, or at least the most tragic and heartbreaking film I've ever seen. Without giving too much away (and I now wish I hadn't read quite so many reviews and topics on the IMDb before watching), I'll just say that it's a movie about four people and their addictions. Granted, it's very much a worst-case-scenario-type film, but how many movies can you name that aren't unusual-case scenarios? I found it incredibly haunting. It was the first thing I thought of, when I woke up the next day, and it leaves you feeling sick or empty or both. It came out in 2000, and somehow it got past me, because it wasn't a movie I'd heard of. I'm sorry for missing it at the theater. Also, somehow, Ellen Burstyn lost the Oscar, which is really just wrong, because she was the most amazing out of everyone in the film, but I will say that seeing Marlon Wayans in something very serious was great. How many of you have seen this? Since watching, I've been reading more and more reviews and messageboard topics about it, even though everyone mostly says the same things. Most of those things are what I've just said. I can't think of anything new to bring to it, but I can't get enough of reading people's feelings on it, either. It was based on a novel by Hubert Selby Jr. which I've added to my wishlist and I feel like I need to get a hold of soon. Everyone should watch it and then tell me how they feel about it. Please?
For the curious, the other movie I chose was Irréversible, which I haven't yet watched. I will watch it tonight, with Nathan if he thinks he can stand it. If you happen to read the reviews and think me a total sicko, please remember that I am weak and that as soon as I read that something is incredibly shocking or disturbing, then I have to run right out and get a hold of it.
Last Friday we saw Ben Folds with Corn Mo as opener. His shows are always so crowded. We got there an hour before they let us in, and the line wound around three sides of the building. Why can't they schedule Ben for shows at a larger venue? They Electric Factory always sells out in less than an hour. As for the show, I'm glad someone I like was opening, because standing up through someone I don't care for just makes my feet or back hurt all the more. The more I see Corn Mo the more endearing he becomes to me. This time he went on some crazy rant about Art Bell and time travel. I don't have to tell you that Ben was great, but Ben was great. It was nice hearing some of the Songs For Silverman live, but it was also neat that he played "Where's Summer B?" and "Alice Childress." The worst thing about this show, however, was that the people right in front of me, and I mean about 12 inches away, started to suck face during "Still Fighting It." It's not easy to look around someone that close, you know? But I do give them mad ups for taking a break during "All U Can Eat." Thanks, dudes! After the show, I really wanted to buy Corn Mo's other album, but they were selling no CDs whatsoever, so I bought a Ben Folds shirt and took my leave.
Ben Folds and Rufus Wainwright are going to be touring together. Tomorrow, we must buy tickets for them for their August show in Atlantic City. I've never been to the Borgata before, and I've never seen Rufus live, so it should be interesting all around.
Speaking of Atlantic City, I went with my uncle last Sunday evening. Lucky for him, he won enough money to pay for our dinner and still have a few bucks left over. I, however, lost over $20 that he gave me to play with. You know, they have Garfield slots now. That's funny for two reasons: 1. WTF? and 2. I always thought that casinos shied away from slots with certain themes, because it would entice the kiddies who passed through to gamble or some crap. Evidently, they don't think that Garfield pulls that kind of weight with the youth anymore. (lolz "pulls weight" and Garfield is fat! I rule!)
Said the girl who still has a rather large box filled with Garfield comic books and a shelf of plush Garfields. D'oh!
Incidentally, that one-armed bandit took $5 from me. {slaps forehead}
Otherwise, I haven't been up to terribly much this week. I must fill out that application to volunteer at the hospital, and I should call up the PBS and ask, "why ain't you be askin' me to come in?" I did do nine hours of wok study this week, including data entry in addition to my regular activities. Good for me. On Tuesday, the other kids and I even got free sandwiches, brownies, and soda. I really do enjoy work study, and I will be a sad kitten, when the money is gone, and I can't return until fall. At least I am somewhat closer to reaching my goal.
Remember that summer to-do list I wrote about in one of my last entries? I'm sure you don't. Anyway, I need to add "study for and take the GMAT" to it, which will entail seeking out Alyssa, so she can let me borrow her book. I do not wish to pay for one, if I can help it. I know that the earliest I could possibly start grad school, if I even choose to go—and I may decide not to go—would be in two years from now. But GMAT scores last for five years, and I think that getting it out of the way this summer would be wise, in that it will remove a great deal of the stress from applying if/when I do decide to apply.
MonsterMania begins tomorrow. Yaywhee! And now I think I will watch RFAD again before Nathan gets here, even though it wrecks me. It draws me in so.
posted by Beth at 10:54:00 PM
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Remember last week, when I wasn't sure if I should take that marketing test? I ended up taking it and I got a better grade on that than I did on the other two tests for that class.
Finals week was pretty exhausting. I went to the doctor on Tuesday, and she told me to have blood drawn, so I thought I should do that on Thursday morning, rather than have it hanging over my head for the rest of the week. I'm super scared of needles, remember. So I got hardly any sleep Wednesday night, then Nathan took me to the hospital on Thursday morning. While we were waiting, a lady asked us if we were brother and sister. She said we looked alike and had the same smile. I've never heard that before. This time I remembered to tell them that I'm a fainter, so I got to lay down while they did it. I didn't even come close to hyperventilating and passing out this time. Good for me! Then I ate some breakfast, napped, and went to school to take a Statistics II exam. I'm not sure how I did on that or the replacement exam. I want to say I did well, but I hate to guess. I had my last two exams coming up on Friday morning, starting at 8, and I hadn't yet started to prepare for them. I'm so bad at studying. Reh. I wound up staying awake all night Thursday, and studying for OM for six hours straight and then putting in only two hours for accounting. I'm still waiting to find out how I did on the accounting test (last night, I had a bad dream that I got only a 1500 out of 5000 on it), but I know my grade for OM. For OM, it turns out that I'm getting a B, graciously round up from a B-. I am very unhappy about this. I did really poorly on the final. I'm not saying that he's a bad teacher, but I do question his grading methods. He grades only by using raw numbers, and he offers no kind of extra credit to make up for missed points. Also, he doesn't look at everyone's grades for the tests and see if there were bad questions on there. I've had three other professors from this semester alone who would throw out bad questions, but he won't. That's a Type II error. :P I'm not saying I deserve an A, but I thought maybe I'd get a B+ or A-. I mean, I got perfect grades on all of my quizzes and very nearly so on homework and my grades for the other two tests were good. Thinking back, I heard him arguing with another professor who said something about "all of the kids are failing your class...". He read the grades aloud for the second test, my best of the three, and they were very low. I'm not saying it should be an easy A for everybody, but I do think he's gone too far in the other direction.
In better news, I'm allowed to do work study until the end of the month, because I have some money left. I'm still looking for something to do over the summer. The woman I do most of my work study for told me she'd try to see if she can get me something at least for June. It's probably not very likely that she can, but I really, really appreciate her trying. She's restoring my faith in humanity, and she doesn't even know it.
Hrm. What else? I just started knitting with four double-pointed needles, and I am now working on a sock. I can do it, but it's really kind of annoying and clumsy. I much prefer circular needles.
So I'm done for the semester, as I said, and I'm already bored to death. I thought there'd be some nice relax and enjoy not having to do work time in there, but I'm already going squirrely. Here's a list of some of my goals for the summer. Some are more lofty than others:
- Keep looking for some kind of little summer job-type thing, preferably at school
- Start volunteering at PBS again (I've already made that call, so I'm on my way)
- Volunteer somewhere new, maybe at a hospital
- Read all of the books I have stacked up and waiting
- Start playing clarinet again and/or try to learn the piano and/or accordion again
- Play and beat Windwaker
- Clean out the front room of our house, because there's too much junk in there
Yeah, that's my life. :P
Entertainment Review Corner
A couple weeks ago, I finished reading Ring by Koji Suzuki. Ring is the book on which the Japanese film Ringu is based, on which the American film The Ring is based. I liked it pretty well. I didn't love it, but it was interesting and added new things to the story. It also added some really crazyass things to the story. It's less scary and more of a good mystery novel. The sexism was a little jarring for me, but what'reyagonnado? Koji Suzuki wrote two more installments to the story, Spiral and Loop, which I'm interested in picking up, when I can.
The other night, I finally watched/listened to the director's commentary on my Exorcist DVD. Since I love the movie and book, I'm surprised that this wasn't something I did a long time ago. It was interesting, because William Friedkin talked very little about the technical aspects of making the movie (aside from the little bit about filming in Iraq) and more about "this means this" sorts of things. I was grateful for that, despite all of the junk I learned in those years of college. Since I'd read the book a couple times and seen the movie even more times, there wasn't much for me to really get out of the commentary, but I still think it was worth my time.
And today is Dewey's third birthday.
posted by Beth at 9:45:00 PM
Monday, May 02, 2005
Meh. Alphabet thing.
A - Age you got your first kiss: 20
B - Band listening to right now: Well, he isn't a band, but I'm listening to Ben Folds.
C - Chore you hate: I don't know. I hate most chores. I like putting away and organizing best, but I hate doing it, because I have too much stuff and not enough room.
D - Dad's name: Patrick
E - Easiset person to talk to: Nathan.
F - Favorite bands at the moment: At the moment, I can't think of anybody aside from the usual ones I like that jump out of me (TMBG and the rest). This is what I get for doing this, when I'm in kind of a blah-y mood..
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Bears.
H - Home state: New Jersey.
I - Instruments: Clarinet, but I also own a piano and accordion for what it's worth.
J - Job: Student and occasional work study-type stuff
K - Kids: I change my mind almost daily on this issue, but at present, I wish to have three girls.
L - Longest car ride ever: New Jersey to Montreal.
M - Mom's name: Same as mine
N - Nicknames: Beth, along with a bunch of little cute things my family (that I live with) calls me. I wish I had more nicknames.
O - Overnight hospital stays: None.
P - Phobia: Bugs, spiders, and needles.
Q - Quote: "All the kids in Springfield are S.O.B.'s"
R - Religious affiliation: Unwavering atheist
S - Siblings: Zero.
T - Time you woke up today: About 5:20PM. Get off my ass, it's Sunday.
U - Underwear: And how!
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: I'm no fan of peppers, but I'll eat them. While not a vegetable, I refuse to eat raisins..
W - Worst habit: Dwelling on upsetting things I cannot change.
X - X-rays you've had: Just dental.
Y - Yummy foods you make: Me make yummy things? Indeed you jest.
Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio
I think the point of that was to point out what a lazy bitch I am. :p Thanks, Nathan!
posted by Beth at 12:23:00 AM
Sunday, May 01, 2005
It's time for my once-a fortnight-or-thereabouts-jumbled-list-of-things update post.
Dorm life sure must be crazy.
The coming week is finals week, and I'm feeling rather nervous about it. Usually, I don't fret much about finals, but I really need to do well in some of them. The first final will be on Monday, and it's in marketing. Since my professor left for a month to have a baby, she's making the exam optional. If I don't take it, I get an A. If I do take it, I get an A, because even a bad grade won't hurt my overall grade. I liked the class, and I learned a good deal about marketing, which wasn't hard, because I knew nothing about marketing to begin with. In a way, I feel like I should take the test, because it will provide closure for the end of that class. Don't ask me why I'd need closure. I liked the class. I got something out of it, but I didn't love it. So the closure thing sounds messed up. Also, taking this test and preparing for it might help gear me up and get me ready for preparing for the four other exams to come. That sounds silly, but it's true. So I pose a (probably stupid) question:
Should I bother taking this marketing exam? It is made entirely of multiple choice and true/false questions. Wellies?
On Tuesday, I have my OM and Legal Environment tests, and those are going to be tough. So maybe taking this test will get me in the proper test-taking mood, or maybe I'd be wasting time that I should be spending studying for those (but I probably wouldn't, because I hate studying).
On the last regular day of the afore mentioned marketing class, my teacher was explaining the concept of scrambling. All it means is that a store will sell anything it thinks it can sell, no matter how unrelated, to make money. Her example was this video store that had a tanning bed in the back of it, and how weird is that? I found the example funny enough, but then this girl, with a certain amount of defensiveness in her voice, said that the place where she gets her tans also sells videos. Then the professor stopped talking about her example, for fear of sounding insulting or judgmental. I did laugh and laugh.
Another thing amusing only to me was that last week, my OM professor told us that people should bring food in to our last regular class meeting, so we could have a party, and he named things like cookies and chips and... tacos. So we had our last meeting this past Thursday, and everyone pretty much assumed that no one was going to bring anything in. But then this one kid came in with a can of (pizza-flavored) Pringles, which was later passed around, and this other kid comes in with guess what. A Sara Lee poundcake, a can of whipped cream, and a knife suitable for cake-cutting. I took a couple Pringles, but since I'm not someone who likes pound cake, I was going to forego it. But then the professor told us that the people who ate the poundcake would get better grades on the final exam, so I had to have a piece. {g} I was even the first one to put whipped cream on it. :) I will be so bored after this week.
I've been filling my time by knitting an ugly hat, which will soon be my first attempt using double-pointed needles and watching Simpsons third and fourth commentary with Nathan. I might have a crush on Al Jean, I can't quite explain why.
I still don't have any kind of teeny tiny summer job lined up yet. There have been no listings on the school site at all. Maybe just maybe the office where I currently do work study would like to have me around for a couple days a week. I'd like that, and so I'll have to inquire about it sometime this week. I'm at least going to ask to work until the end of May.
The only things I can think of that I have to look forward to are the Ben Folds concert and the Monstermania Con [Note that I did not link to the Monstermania site. This is because it has embedded midis and other crazy sounds, and that's too frightening to share], except that both are kind of sad for me. I do love Ben Folds, but there's always something that strikes me as sad about his music, something I can't quite pin down, but it's always been there for me. As for Monstermania, I'mkind ofextremely bummed that Gunnar Hansen won't be there. Last year, I didn't even know who he was, aside from the role he played, but then he really won me over with his snarkiness. Now I fear Monstermania will never be the same for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited about it, and there will be some cool panel discussions and guest speakers, but I {heart} Gunnar. I'm also unhappy that this year they aren't selling vouchers for meeting Robert Englund, and if I wait in line the entire time, then I'm going to miss everything, so it's just not in the cards for me this time. {sigh}
Now for the obnoxious part that no one wants to read about (as if everything prior to this wasn't painful enough!), and I shouldn't be writing about. I've been feeling so lonely as of late, and I don't think there's a thing I can do about it. Well, I know that what I can do is make more of an effort to reach out to people. I certainly can't argue with that. Thing is, when I try to call a person I've been wanting to talk to, and my calls are never returned, then how do I know when to take the hint that I should stop calling and how do I know when trying too much (say, once a week) is too much? Feh, I'm an idiot for writing any of this, but I mention it because it shows my putting forth effort and yet my fears are reinforced. Also, I know that my IM hasn't been turned on once in the past month-and-a-half, but that's due largely to business (as in busy-ness). But I do really envy people who can approach other people in a friendly way and not be plagued with worries that I'm just getting in their way or bothering them. And that's why I always wait to be approached, despite my knowing better and knowing that's wrong, too. And, I mean, I know I'm lucky to have Nathan, and he is my best friend and he's always there and he's someone I'm never afraid to approach, but I don't think it's selfish to wish I had more people I could see and talk to from time to time. I do mean this in a non-finger-pointing way. Oh... bleh.
posted by Beth at 6:20:00 AM
Heh, dig's word of the day:
Word of the Day for Sunday May 1, 2005
palindrome \PAL-in-drohm\, noun:
A word, phrase, sentence, or verse that reads the same
backward or forward.
A few examples:
* Madam, I'm Adam. (Adam's first words to Eve?)
* A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama! (The history of the
Panama Canal in brief.)
* Able was I ere I saw Elba. (Napoleon's lament.)
* Mom, Dad.
Palindrome comes from Greek palindromos, literally "running
back (again)," from palin, "back, again" + dromos, "running."
Today is also the birthday of my favorite person with a palindrome for a name. Happy birthday, Mike Leffel.
posted by Beth at 3:54:00 AM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
While I was in the student lounge-place, I overheard these marketing students talking, and it was really depressing. They're all probably about three years younger than me, and they've gotten so much more done than I have, in terms of jobs and experience. I envy people who are able to hold down a job and go to school at the same time. I don't have that kind of focus. And even if I did, I spend a lot of time now getting schoolwork done to maintain my not-so-pristine GPA that if I did work even part-time, then I don't think I'd have enough time for studying. This is why I fear I will never be a good candidate for any job. I am certain I would do a given job very well, but I fear that I won't be given the opportunity. Yeck. This has been my biggest fear for years, and I hate to be reminded of it.
Oh hmm. I'm always so tired by Thursday evenings. I'm surprised I'm wide awake now. Today was a longer day at school and I was always up and doing something. Marji came over tonight to ask me to help her get her husband's resume together, and she brought her baby. He's a nice baby. I'll have to make more of an effort to see them. It will be a lot more feasible, once the semester has ended, which will be in two weeks. I'm so boring.
I've been seriously thinking about buying a large-capacity mp3 player of some sort. Definitely not an iPod. I don't really have the money, but I might well do it anyway. If I can get a little work study job over the summer or at least for the rest of May, then I think I will for sure. But then I probably won't be able to get anything. The job I wanted was already filled by the time I applied, and I haven't seen any new listings since then. Blah blah. Boring.
posted by Beth at 10:08:00 PM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
So Nathan and I went to the big Tori Amos concert at the Kimmel Center Monday night. Our seats were very good (8th row), and the venue is amazing. It was well worth it. The opener, Matt Nathanson did not wow me at all. I can't remember any of his songs. This was my fourth Tori concert, but it was my first where she played solo. I was really, really impressed. Personally, I don't think she even needs the band. Usually, they just sound kind of loud and distorted to me and they make it hard to understand her. They drag her down. {g} Of course, if she tours with the band this summer, I will surely be there. {g} I do think she's fantastic on her own, though. My own personal highlight was "Yes, Anastasia," and "Snow Cherries From France" and "Happy Phantom" were really great, too. I feel sad that she played zero from my two favorite albums, Choirgirl and Scarlet's Walk, and I see that she's played "Marys of the Sea" at a number of other shows, but not ours. It's my favorite from The Beekeeper is all. During Tori's Piano Bar, she played "Streets of Philadelphia" and "Landslide." Now, if you'd told me I was going to hear the former, I don't think I would have expected it to be that great, but it turned out to be pretty awesome. As for the latter, I heard that on the show we saw on her birthday, and I'm no kind of Stevie Nicks fan, so that was less good; it's still pretty good and certainly better than the original, though. I bought some pins, a necklace, and earrings. Her t-shirts cost too much, and that is why I own no Tori Amos shirt. She rocks all over the place, though. I can't wait to see her again, whenever that will be.
Since I'm saying music-related things, and this is semirelevant to her... A couple weeks ago, I spent a ton of money at AttackedByPlastic. I thought I should buy the new Ben Folds album in advance, since I'd get a deal on the deluxe edition and get Songs For Goldfish with it, and since shipping was free on orders above $25, I went ahead and ordered Super D and The Bens EP, since I'd been wanting them for awhile. It's crazy that the Ben Folds show is on the same day as the Asbury Park TMBG show. I'm glad that I already had Ben Folds tickets, when I found that out. But even so, Ben would have won, since I hadn't seen him since he opened for Tori on the Lottapianos tour.
ALso, I must remember that Tori will be on the World Cafe this Friday, and Ben will be on there one week later.
posted by Beth at 11:30:00 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Since I should be writing a paper, I'm writing an entry on here. I'm such a bad student sometimes. I've spent so many hours just sitting here and messing around, playing solitaire and doing stupid things, because I hate to write papers so much. Ummm... what can I say? My mom's taxes were finally accepted. Turns out that the Fed ID number on the W-2G was wrong (how the hell can they send you something with the wrong number on it?). I called up the lottery people on Thursday and asked them to give me the number, which was entirely different, so now her taxes are okay. Weird. Today I did my uncle's taxes and then we went to the Olive Garden. Then I came home to work on my paper and did barely nothing, aside from talking to Nathan. The assignment isn't hard, but I can't seem to get the ball rolling. I guess I should try now. And tomorrow, I shall probably answer that livejournal concerts meme thing.
posted by Beth at 4:20:00 AM
Friday, April 08, 2005
- On Thursday I had two tests. I hope I did well. On the first OM test, I thought I did well, but I wound up with a B. For the Statistics test, I think I forgot something about the Wilcoxon rank sum. We shall see what develops.
- My mom's taxes keep getting rejected, and I keep being told that one of the Fed ID numbers doesn't match the name (and they won't tell me which one), yet I am copying everything exactly from the W-2 and having other people look at it to check it again and again. What the eff? Maybe we'll have to mail it out.
- I have to spend this weekend writing a book report. At least I actually read the book!
- Speaking of books, the problem with being in school is that I have no time to read for myself. My book queue is so backed up. Waiting for me right now are Why Not Me? by Al Franken, Radio On by Sarah Vowell, the second book of Abarat by Clive Barker, and I just bought Ring by Koji Suzuki. I may even be leaving some things out. I know I am, because I put aside that history of videogames book and those urban legends books awhile ago. And once the new Harry Potter book comes out, it will automatically move to the front of the line.
- I couldn't sleep (as I took a very lengthy nap over the evening), so I watched a chunk of the pope's funeral. I started thinking about future funerals of loved ones and wound up crying. Then I watched the episode of Mama's Family where Aunt Effie solves the jigsaw puzzle and all was well again (for me as well as for Aunt Effie, Mama, Naomi, Vint, Bubba, and Iola). {g} But wait! I was flipping channels to see how the different networks commented on the pope's funeral, and the guy on Fox News said something like, "on this Saturday afternoon..." It's not Saturday there! Right? Right?? How could that guy get that wrong? I'm not sure if he was actually there (they never showed him) or if he was just commenting while watching from the studio, but it isn't tomorrow there. Or am I totally wrong and stupid? One of us is foolish. Either it's me or it's Fox News.
- Aimee Mann and Rufus Wainwright at Appel Farm? Now I've heard everything! Of course they're on different days. :p I probably won't go, even though I've seen neither of them live, despite being a fan for years. {grumble}
posted by Beth at 7:56:00 AM
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Okay, I’ll take a break from my work and update, I guess. It seems that I must always write something, when we spring forward. A list seems good.
- I hate springing forward. {growl}
- So I was sick all through spring break and mostly better by the time I got back to school. Then, of course, I got sick again this week. It isn’t the same in that I was coughing myself sore over spring break, and now my problem is mostly sinus-related. I think/hope I’m starting to come off of that.
- I had been really excited about Ring Two, but it turned out to be a colossal disappointment. Both times I saw it. ;P
- Since I was sick over break, I only finished my taxes this past Monday, and I might file my mom’s tomorrow/later today once everything gets checked over. I won’t start my uncle’s until Thursday. I want to point out that despite my accounting classes, I really know nothing about federal taxes. My classes have been about recording entries and producing and interpreting financial statements. There’s one class about federal taxation, and I’m not going to be taking that until fall ’06.
- Easter was okay, but kind of low-key and boring. I did get nice presents, though. My mom and uncle and Nathan are very nice about giving presents on holidays, so that’s nice.
- Last Thursday, a girl in my Legal Environments class said that her mother is being sued for file sharing. They want her to pay $750 per song that she downloaded. Yikes!
- This week I registered for classes for the fall. It was my plan to register for Intermediate Accounting I, Cost Accounting, and Organizational Behavior as well as an internship. Then I’d look for an internship for the fall. They wouldn’t let me register for the internship, though, because they said I had to have completed the intermediate accounting class first. I went to the department chair, and she said it was fine with her and she signed a paper for me and told me to get it signed by the assistant dean. I brought it to the assistant dean and she wouldn’t sign it because, basically rules are rules. However, it’s okay for me to actually work an internship in the fall and take credit for it in the spring. Now I wonder why is that okay? It’s okay to *work* an internship but not to be registered for one? At first I was kind of mad. To make myself full-time, I registered for Principles of Finance, a class I was planning on taking next spring; I’m sure it’ll be taught by some schmo. {grumble} Oh well. Maybe it’s for the best. Maybe I can actually get something and start in the late summer or fall and take credit in spring. I’m no longer upset about it, anyway.
- I’ve watched 7 episodes of Wonderfalls and each episode makes me sadder about it’s cancellation. :(
- I finally got my size 9 24-inch circular needles. I got Nathan to buy them for me through an ebay auction. They came across the sea, and now I can finally knit in the round. I like it.
- I intend to buy a cute dress within the next 24 hours. Perhaps I will even wear it!
- Today is the second birthday of my Wallace.
A music survey and a quiz result. I’m probably only sharing the quiz, because it’s Nintendo-related.
1) Total volume of music files on my computer?
A mere 6.56 Gb
2) The last CD I bought was...
The Beekeeper by Tori Amos, I think.
3a) The last song I listened to before writing this was...
Chopin’s Funeral March
3b) Song playing right now:
Faure’s Pavane
4) Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me.
Faure’s Pavane
"The New Zero" by Rasputina
"Tombigbee" by Tori Amos
"Don’t You (Forget About Me)" by Simple Minds
"Mr. Blue" by the Fleetwoods
5) Which 5 people are you passing this baton to, and why?
Certainly not the two people I’ve already seen do it. Probably nobody else.
And the quiz. I’m surprised I did that well.
Mega Man
Game Over! You scored 75%!You know your Nintendo games enough to call yourself a Nintendo fan. ![]()
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 18% on health
Link: The Classic Nintendo Test written by sadpunk on OkCupid Online Dating
And now I should at least begin my statistics take-home quiz.
posted by Beth at 6:54:00 AM